MAC's picture
  • 492

+ 2 Nutropin HGH


My buddy has a bunch of these I know its HGH but I dont know much about that stuff. So far have only dealt with AAS. Was wondering if anyone could fill me in on the difference between somatropin and kig?

KK9111's picture

I see ;)

MAC's picture

Lol this was so long ago. Man he had Nutropin, Genotropin 13.8mg pens, everything. He's still my best friend like a brother to me. He's moving back down around me in the next year or so too

roidjunky79's picture

ahhhhh......memories Smile

JDub's picture

Some of the best out there bro..... Human Grade HGH fro the pharm! Enjoy!

livingthedream's picture

has he been storing it all this time in the fridge?

MAC's picture

yes, he has a whole mini fridge dedicated to the HGH lol. im gonna wait a while before i mess with that stuff though, as i am loving using just test for now anyways.

MAC's picture

Wow, thats good to know, thx bro. I figured it was good stuff considering its pharma, my buddy is prescribed it and has a shit ton but for now im sticking to AAS. When and if I ever decide to try hgh ima give this a shot , im gna research hgh more before a decision. Thx for the info