jaredktkim's picture
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2nd cycle (EQ, Test E, Dbol)


31 yrs old,
6' (182cm)
205lb 15%BF, 11 yrs of weight lifting.

At the end of my first cycle I was 210lb 15% BF (Feb 2016).
Bulk for like for first 8 weeks and then cut gradually(not too much) for the rest of the cycle.

I would like to be 220lb 10%BF at the end of the cycle

I work out 5times a week
200~250 P/ 400~500 C/ 50~100 F grams approx per day

Multiviamin, Fishoil, VitaminD3, Whey Protein, Iso Protein, Beta Alanine, Creatine, BCAA

Planning to donate blood 2 times during the cycle (Before PCT)
Planning to get blood test done 2 times (During the cycle and at the end)

--------------------------2015 When I was on my first cycle STATISTICS----------------------------

30 yrs old,
6' (182cm)
195lb 15%BF, 10 yrs of weight lifting

Week 1~4 30mg Dbol
Week 1~12 500mg Test E

150~200 P/ 300~400 C/ 50~100 F grams approx per day

WeekTest eEQDbolArimidexMilk ThistleHCGNolvadexClomid
1400mg600mg30mg ED0.25mg EOD250mg ED
2400mg600mg30mg ED0.25mg EOD250mg ED
3400mg600mg30mg ED0.25mg EOD250mg ED
4400mg600mg30mg ED0.25mg EOD250mg ED
5400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
6400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
7400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
8400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
9400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
10400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
11400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
12400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
13400mg600mg0.25mg EOD
14400mg600mg0.25mg EOD1000iu
15400mg600mg0.25mg EOD1000iu
16400mg600mg0.25mg EOD1000iu
2040mg ED100mg ED
2140mg ED100mg ED
2220mg ED50mg ED
2320mg ED50mg ED
irongame427's picture

205 15% 174lbs of lbm, 198, Your goal is pretty much out of reach, at 205 at 15% bf you have about 174lbs of lbm and 30lbs of fat, 220 at 10% youd have 198lbs of lbm and 22lbs of fat, so to reach that goal youd need to gain 24lbs of pure muscle ( impossible for one cycle, good goal for two cycles) and at the same time lose 8lbs of fat. If you figure out how to do this let me know, id love to do it. Id reach my goal in one cycle.

On another note this is to much for a second cycle, lose the eq, run the test and dbol, adding other anabolics like eq or nandrolone are for when you are just not gaining anymore on just test, in which case your a mass monster at that point, or for guys prepping for shows, and for 99% of us will never happen, changes in diet will basically always allow us to make gains with test and maybe an oral. Train hard, eat harder and youll grow like a weed, test and dbol will throw plenty of muscle on you. But this whole recomp thing doesnt work, if you get any results there medicore at best, for both goals, crap for the muscle gains and crap for the fat loss. Pick one, run the cycle, take the time off and then run a cutter. Ive tried doing what your trying, but my goal was much more realistic or so i thought but I still had mediocre results at best.

and like rusty said, up your protein alot, going from 200 to say 350 every single day will make a huge differnce in your gains, I get the best results when im close to 2g pro per lb of bodyweight. Diet will determine your results, not the gear.

Catalyst's picture

I would like to be 220lb 10%BF at the end of the cycle

bulk for like for first 8 weeks then cut

Pick one, bulk or cut. You're not going to achieve both and your goal is unrealistic.

jaredktkim's picture

Thank you I will bulk then!

jaredktkim's picture


  1. I was going to do 500ml of Test e but I am kinda running out so 400ml of Test e is okay? since I am doing it with 600mg of EQ anyways.

  2. Any other supplements do I need?

3, My PCT starts 3 weeks after the last shot of EQ and some people say 4 weeks better. Is it okay to do it after 3 weeks?

Please leave any comments that can help me!!!!