Aging athlete38's picture
Aging athlete38
  • 12

Second Cycle


Cycle will be very basic, and with what I learned from my first cycle. I know using test P is not ideal, but I've got a ton of it and figured I'd use it up. I learned a bit on the first cycle, so here goes.
200mg test-p eod
.25mg adex
1 week off
50mg clomid
20mg nova

Last cycle I waited to take AI, and my estro got a little high and started retaining water like crazy. So I'm starting straight away. Pct is lower than normal, but based on blood work this fully recovered me last time, and I felt fine the whole time.

Whitetrash's picture

Dacky and Rusty have set you up with lots of good advice below my friend. I agree that prop can be tough when it comes to pinning so test e would be more suitable for 12 weeks.

Dacky's picture

What's the goal here - diet, training?

Aging athlete38's picture

Goal is recomposition. Looking to harden up and make lean strength gains.

Dacky's picture

Fella there is no such thing as a "recomp" or "lean bulk". It just doesn't work. You're either bulking or you're cutting. Pick one and then construct your nutrition, training, rest and supplementation (including aas) in that order around the goal.

At your stats:

Age: 38
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 257
BF: 14

Perhaps a cut could be a plan but that's not for me to say. I will say that don't fall into the trap of trying to fit a cycle around the gear you have.

Aging athlete38's picture

You're right, and this is definetly a cut. My brain just thinks cutting = strength loss. I want to get my weight down to 230. That's the primary goal. My diet is based around than. I'm working with a diet coach to get my nutrition on point. I'm also incorporating some long cardio and hiit cycle training into my normal power lifting routine.

Dacky's picture

He certainly is. OP ran prop for first cycle....something I should have remembered. Not a good plan so better he gets it right this time. PCT above is wrong too and needs work. Rusty pointed this out below too. I got this one wrong but Rusty rightly jumped in and got it on track.

Dacky's picture

Absolutely nothing mate. I love ED prop pins. But for OP this may not be the best idea. It's his second cycle and while he ran prop for his first cycle and managed EOD pins there were some other problems. Moving to ED pins plus trying to tie down his estro issues and AI dosing plus a poorly planned PCT and finally the dose he was considering for EOD prop pins should have had me questioning this as Rusty pointed out. Better for the OP to focus on a test e/c cycle with twice weekly pins and possibly some VAR and focus on doing it right. And reading between the lines the reason why prop is being considered in the first place is this is what the OP happens to have on hand. Not the best reason for using a compound imho. That said you make a very valid point. I do believe ED prop pins does limit some sides from fluctuating hormone levels.

Gymjunkie01's picture

I guess everything in me is a pin cushion I haven't got pip for a long time lol hell I can pin high mg gear and still won't get it. But the worst pip I ever had was when I started pinning my traps .. Lord I hard a sore neck for a month

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Gymjunkie01's picture

I hit traps . Delts.. Triceps . Biceps.. Pecs.. Quads .. Buttox all angles .. But fuck calves tried it for a month and I never could hit it right always hit a blood vessel never again lol

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Dacky's picture

Got it. I will admit I am no power lifter but from a body building perspective inevitably there will be some loss of strength when you cut. How much kind of depends on how developed your power base is. My personal view is you may not need a cycle to achieve your goal. The right nutritional approach - carb cycling and selective refeeds for example - should see you able to do this. If your dead set on running a cycle or if this is necessary given your power lifting focus then prop is a good shout although I would drop the dose to 150mg EOD or better yet run it at 75mg ED. 12 weeks is long time on prop. 8 weeks the norm and 10 at a push. Given your experience with estro on your first cycle your AI dose seems sensible but blood work week 4 to check and dial in your adex dose. I note your comment on PCT so up to you if you don't want to run at the higher doses for the first 2 weeks but I do recommend it. Perhaps one of the powerlifting guys will chime in here.

Dacky's picture

Edit: actually you're right. OP likely not ready for prop cycle.