HailRazor's picture
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Two different Name Brand rhGH products.

Serostim vs Omnitrope

Comparing each one of the test results they are very similar. Identical basically.

The process in which they are produced is one factor.

Using E.coli (Jintropin patent) and Mammalian protein expression

Purification Process, etc

Type of testing done also

SEROS (22125D) Omnitrope (22125D)

Human Recombinant rhGH(22125D) Human 22-kD-hGH (22125D)

Met-hGH 192aa (22256D)

192aa No longer used in European Union or prescribed in the US (aGHD)


Humatrope-1.6% (5/314) developing antibodies
Ansomone-41.9% (26/62) (no longer producing 192aa)
I'll post up the two other tests (Real Jin/Jinish)

Different tester and testing method

i think using a proper product against a known UGL is a better way to compare

Zhongshan Hygene Closed

dnell1983's picture

Good shit homie +1

Coconut's picture

Zhongshan HAZIM Medical Biology now says permenately closed if u google map it. I do believe these or the .com.cn hyges. Brown tops and old green tops that tested so high? Thanks for this post brotha!

HailRazor's picture

Masters of manipulation. 海济生物制药

Sciroxx's picture

There are 2 (possibly more) types of 192 AA -

When using E-coli the bacteria always ends a protein which it synthase with the AA methionine at the end (192 position), this is relatively heavy AA which is notorious to cause immune reaction, this was clearly manifest itself in anti bodies which many individuals developed to it. Later a system to get rid of the Histadine was developed by Monstanto which its expertise is biotechnology, this system enables to repalce the Histadine by Alanine which is smaller AA and much less prone to immune reaction, and indeed in later trials the scope of immune reaction was reduced, anyhow the advanced biotechnology methods enables to mimic 100% the piturity origin HGH, like in the 2 products that were tested here.

An advanced test like I showed here - http://www.eroids.com/pics/full-amino-acides-sequence-lab-test-to-somastim enable to map exactly the AA sequence of any protein

HailRazor's picture

Well hello Mr Karlsx. Finally a response that I can read up on and possibly learn from. Thank You. Pharmaceutical Recombinants seem to be as shady as the UGL Chinese GH market. Perfecting the process and drug patents seem to be the big theme during the start of getting this on the market. Lawsuits between Genentech, Lei Jin, and maybe Lilly. Mapping of the human gnome sequence was done. Controlling the process of an identical human recombinant. Antivirus meds, cancer treatment meds, rhGH, etc. Big Big $$. If I'm not mistaken, Genentech added or left the additional AA to get around the patent law to get their product on the market. The 4% antibody reaction study may or may not be accurate beings that they took part in the study of their own product that was being used by many aGHD patients. Not sure if inclusion/e.Coli was a factor in the study. A potential lawsuit would have been a huge blow if the results were other than 4%. Even with a low average of 4%, the product was still discontinued.. Penetrating the US market using other than E.Coli is difficult. Serostim (mammalian -mouse cell) uses a niche market (HIV/Wasting) to get around that. There's another company using "part of the 191aa chain" trying to get approval in the US. It's some very interesting stuff. Thank you for the interesting (advertising) reply. =)

irongame427's picture

Post up the study with the 41% of peole developing antibodies. Cauese this is a quote from the doctor who ran your test. "To elicit an immuno-response that recognize the foreignness of a protein requires a minimum of three consecutive amino acids, I am very suspicious of 192 versus 191 amino acid results that one triggers and one did not. Instead I think it was amount of protein used was high and caused aggregation (insoluble proteins) that have triggered immune-response."

So the ansomome must have had hell of a lot more in it then just one amino acid. The protropon study I posted were only .4% developed antibodies kinda makes sense now doesn't it.

Sciroxx's picture

The Ansomone included Histadine in the 192 seq - which caused the notorious immune reaction - this is is also shown in the higher molecular weight in the diagram

HailRazor's picture

The 41% is a google n paste......which is kinda my point. Your Protropin study. And I've already read that response from the "tester". I think
I took part in the actual conversation. Did you? Which brings me to the next subject.......naw I'm sayn. (woot) European Union/US FDA-Somatrem Bad Irongame-Somatrem Good? Just cut me in....I mean fill me in.

irongame427's picture

Look me and you can sit here and argue all day. I'm just telling you what the doctor who ran these tests said about the whole 191vs191 shit. You can act like your phd in bro science is superior to his phd in biochemistry all you want. I want nothing to so with 192aa gh, all I'm trying to show is there is nothing credible out there on the web regarding antibodie response to it other then my proteopin study and now what the dr just said which basically backs my that study..

HailRazor's picture

The doc that was responding to me and the person(s) that sent in the sample?
Brutha I really don't know much. I've stated that before. ERoids used to be more about sharing info and learning from that....not pushing products or prove what is and what ain't (well, maybe not so outright) The fact that 192aa is not allowed for prescription use is enough. The fact that I was swindled into using it years ago with some not-so-good results, reactions when used long term...is enough for me. Also, these tests have sparked an interest in the "tester" from my understanding. So, maybe there's more info that you didn't get. This 192aa is old news man....if it was as effective as 191aa, then it would be used instead and years of additional trials in producing 191aa would not have been needed.

KAM1314's picture

If you look at older endocrinology journals and studies of why 192aa got pulled from the US and European pharmaceutical markets it's nothing about bro science. Big pharma could manufacture 192aa and make a killing with money....but they can't make money and keep pushing shit that's having more shitty effects than positive ones on their patients. The reason they don't manufacture 192aa is right out in the open for anyone who wants to know

HailRazor's picture

Maybe if it was made in Moldova? I dunno. Honestly, there's something else I'm looking for in that "other" test besides the MW that I can't find. I'm hoping the Dr doing my current testing can answer some questions and we can move on to a more productive subject. This always happens with these tests. Black Market "GH" isn't going away. Some of us want to actually know and some just want to believe.....then there's some that add Bacteriostatic Water and inject it deeper. Smile

levelup's picture

"revealed one major protein with an average molecular mass of 22126.8 Da and some additional minor components."

HailRazor's picture

Man Level......so much transparency......I just want a small slice a da pie. LMAO

HailRazor's picture

Maybe this will help spark some interest other than just reading a summary page.

HailRazor's picture

Dig a little deeper. Testing gear vs rhGH, totally different. Carlos posted a cool test result. Maybe looking at the amino sequence will give you the answer.

KK9111's picture

so what your saying is your hgh is real lol

HailRazor's picture

Well, maybe.....there's some "in between the lines" "subliminal" "Chris Angel Mindfreak" info in there too. Ya gotta be on ya toes round deez parts.

killroy's picture

Damn interesting ... So no deviation at all between the two products... This was your own personal stash that got tested, I assume. Suprised you were sitting on it or did you just get the results back?

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HailRazor's picture

Nah.....old stuff. Me n 'Spon%e"

killroy's picture

Lol yeah I thought I had seen tests done on seros here before, and I remember the yellow guy had a part. This inspired me to go back and try to find older tests ... Angus has a few listed under his pic stream ... Muscletech's MW tested at 22125, the hyge blacktops tested by DubG came back at 22124, I believe hulk tested rips and they came back at 22124 ... I do remember bob testing rips too I could be wrong, can't find those results tho ... I guess all this is meaningless tho since the tests are so dated and could've been hot batches. Thanks for shedding light down this dark tunnel for me. I see now that iron's could possibly be 192aa given it's molecular weight compared to the rest of the "legit" generics and Pharma.

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HailRazor's picture

Hot batches? What's dat? Oh oh I see now
From what I've seen using different testing routes...the type of test/tester/what's being tested need to be working together . I think ANGUS might agree. Knowing what you got, what you're looking for and how to find it.

HailRazor's picture

Anythings possible. The one's that say 'Ripped' or 'Huge'(hyge) are normally stronger......oh...and mo pure too. Smile

HailRazor's picture

Anythings possible. Smile was that a random order? Just curious.

HailRazor's picture

Oh no....don't misunderstand.....the test including the amino sequence is very good for what was sent...so yea...I'd expect good results. Your description of what was sent to you explains a lot to me. "nothing I do is random" gotcha

HailRazor's picture

That kit looked fine. That kit, ya know. Yea, I've been a tad too vocal lately. It seems that (woot woots) business model has sparked an interest for some to fill the void for the 1-2 kit user market. I honestly thought about deleting my account lately. It's just this "face value" mentality (which i've been guilty of) Lot's of sheep to flock.

Pale's picture

I second that. You have always been a rock solid member and truthfully you understand HGH way better than I ever will.

HailRazor's picture

Sometimes I think this place wants to be over run with clueless sheep.

And I see that....and understand why to an extent. It used to be more of a balancing act....now the scale seems to be thrown out the window. But, catering to the "mentality" of the new sheep....or guiding the flock with knowledge.....depends on the motive of the Shepard.

levelup's picture

shit dont delete your account...just take some time and lurk in the shadows...i was doing that then i find myself having to comment on the pure shit that gets spewed/regurgitated

killinit88's picture

From where?

humpnpump's picture

Same amino sequence and molecular weight, very interesting and only 20 points off from fishers, but who's to say what the acceptable range is for rHGH. When does it become 192aa?

HailRazor's picture

Fishers isn't correct for rhGH. 22125D(PhEur). This is just the tip of testing done by legit producers. Endotoxins/ Structure......