TheFatKid's picture
  • 46

police on roids!!!


I don't know how true it is but just seen it and thought I would share

i20bpm's picture

Of course we do, cops Sheriff's and I bet even a few people in higher positions

peters's picture

Mr Ronie Colman best example.

cmo25cent's picture

The cops around my city are fat and lazy

wimpy1's picture

None of the police and n my town use them.. Unless they are dunking thier donuts it it. They're all well rounded in the middle.

pump junkie's picture

But you people do understand that you are allowed to possess steroids you just can't sell them. I've had the police in my house personally looking for drugs and left all my steroids alone. They were not doing me any favors they just can't do anything about it.

cltleo's picture

Uk law

i20bpm's picture

That's just not true, they are schedule lll and you cannot posses them without a prescription unless you live in a different country than i

pump junkie's picture

True or not this is exactly what happened to me,I can only speak from real life experience.I've done real time for real crimes before.I think the problem is that you're thinking of stuff made in a pharmacy that is supposed to be scripted by a doctor,because then they can use that against you but I'm speaking of ugl gear that has no pharmacy license on it.You have no idea how much experience I have in these matters personally with the police.Quit acting like you're doing something more serious than you are,unless you have piles of gear with obvious intent to sell they look right over it.

i20bpm's picture

Lol you can get hostile if you want to bud but having steroids any steroids without a prescription is illegal but I guess all the gym level dudes who get busted with 4 vials like my buddy a few years ago really didn't go to jail and wind up with a 2 year tail lol gimme a break

pump junkie's picture

Lol waste of my time,if I was running gear as long as you have and still looked like you I'd be pissed and disagreeable with everything too

i20bpm's picture

Lol well if I was a child minded simpleton I would think a schedule lll controlled substance isn't illegal to have in my house too but luckily I'm not and I guess that's just the hand you were dealt lol don't worry there's alot of ppl in this world who can't be proven wrong when they are and they just act like this when challenged lol just take a walk down to your local police station and ask them and listen to what they got to say or don't lol idc I gotta go be a father to someone else now, have a great day kiddo

BigThing's picture

They are people like you and I. Some of them are dedicated guys that really love their jobs and respect the law, but many are crooks that use roids, recreational drugs, prostitutes and whatever else people on this planet use. No surprise here.

Beltabuser's picture

Ronnie Coleman was a cop

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Test-teez-turn2-peez's picture

Yes and he was pumping more roids than all of us...Even though he was a drug test. Guess they thought he was eating his Wheaties

GrowMore's picture

Creatine brah

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TheFatKid's picture

It's no surprise to me either. Just curious of why they think they should have the right to use them

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Beltabuser's picture

The top guys go through doctors and get most of their stuff though the pharma. Victor Martinez and others have been caught selling stuff though. Tren hex is the only tren that's ever been approved for human use and you can be damn sure the pros are using all kinds of tren lol. They do get most legit though. The doctors prescribing it on the other hand...

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