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"What has happened is we have allowed the secularists, the humanists, the atheists, the infidels, to pervert our Constitution into something our Founding Fathers never intended. And it is time for Americans to stand up and say ‘Enough! We’re not going to allow this in our Christian country anymore.’ It is time to put an end to this." - Robert Jefress

Choad's picture

I believe it’s the devil using the simple minded, uneducated brothers that where never taught any better...The result of wars on every level-i.e. Vietnam, the drug war, now the race wars they’re pushing and mostly the spiritual war that’s unseen/unknown by many!! So it’s up to Christians to be the watchmen...Darkness is the absence of light!! We gotta be the light or they’ll get stronger by pushing ignorance..

Pumped_'s picture

True! Like the bible says we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Every morning i wake up i have to put in the full armor of God just to go to work and make it through an 8hr work day.

Choad's picture

I know it’s tough at times but u are on point...I need to spend time with the Lord each day before work so I can bring him glory...praying for u brother!

Pumped_'s picture

What are your thoughts and convictions of how secular humanisn is taking over under the guise of many different movements? It has taken prayer out of schools, removing "UNDER GOD" in the pledge of allegiance etc.