Sabresfan22's picture
  • 37



87's gear looks clean and clear. I've heard nothing but great things about this course. I will review after I run it at least 4 weeks.
Thanks 87

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bully20's picture

I’ve been. Running he’s sustanon for very long time with no issues. But this last batch I got golden color just like the tren ace he has this batch of sustanon I’m pinning at the site I inject it gets hard asf creates a ball I’ve used 1 inch 25 gage 1 and 1/2 inch 25 gage no
Different I’m not liking it at all

Clemenza's picture

I couldn't find a review, how did the Sustanon work out?

RMDL's picture

Felt weak to me

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Mattvalencia561's picture

So how did it turn out? Everything good?

eighty7's picture

You're welcome

Sosa123's picture

I’m getting ready to run his Sustanon...

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