gymrat28's picture
  • 11

+ 2 hgh, clomid and caber order


got recommended 7labs by source as good gh so i thought i give it a try was on offer too. got it of RZ

clomid and caber from Tone . i have done some research and apparently its helps with libido. first time trying it caber , will see how good that is.

Ordered from: 
Livelife76's picture

I wouldn't take caber of its only purpose is for a libido boost. Serious stuff, are you on a 19nor cycle now?

gymrat28's picture

im not on cycle now. why is caber not good when not on cycle? will it not help libido?

twistedsister's picture

If your libido is low might get checked for low testosterone..
It's been posted on here why dopamine antagonists (like caber) can be harmful to your health and nothing to play with
Taking Clomid off cycle will likely boost your testosterone but it will also suppress your natural LH and FSH so there's a trade off on anything you take just keep that in mind.

+1 let us know how the growth is bro

gymrat28's picture

thanks for me worried now. can you direct me to dopamine post?