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+ 16 AM Tech test cyp bloods


Results 4 weeks in on 800mg/wk AM Tech test cyp. The vials were from first initial promo back in Sept.?

I am also running both 300mg/wk Kodiak deca and mast e

EDIT: I did want to mention to everyone, forgot to...that the vial I was running at time of test, kept crashing and needed reheated again and again before pin. Maybe hormone was beginning to degrade? Just FYI

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Colossus_fit's picture

thanks for this test my man
indisputable evidence that is underdosed

markymark's picture

thank you for posting +1

Jimmy Tango's picture

I'm getting people telling me my bloods are low at 4000ng/dL running Kodiaks test-e at a little over a gram per week however I think it is in line with the literature I've read. https://www.eroids.com/pics/kodiakqueen.com-test-e-blood-work

biguriel's picture

How exactly are people figuring 3802ng/dl from 800mg/wk is low?

Those figures are perfectly consistent with those you'll see reported in proper studies of testosterone use in humans. Which, let's face it, unless anyone got their vial lab tested for concentration, is the only source of information we really have from which we can be certain the concentration is exactly right (being from true pharma gear).

If we were to compare it to other UGL gear (or even supposedly pharma gear, bought from an underground source which still means it may not be legit), we could be comparing it to overdosed gear without knowing.

rageracing's picture

I have consistantly gotten test levels of 3200-3500 on 500mg test a week (testE). These numbers were from various diff labs.....just sayin

biguriel's picture

Curious as to when you did the blood test (time after injection), your injection frequency, muscles injected etc.

Many factors can have a great impact on concentration measured. If you pin 500mg all at once you'll have a much higher figure measured the next day than if you were doing two 250mg shots per week. Pinning glutes or quads also makes for a faster release and therefore higher peak concentration.

I normally pin delts and spread it over two weekly injections, on 500mg of test I typically have around 2500ng/dl pretty much constant all week long.

rageracing's picture

250mg twice a week (mon thurs). Rotate glutes. Blood pulled on a monday.

MuscleDevelop's picture

It does look a little low for 800mg/week, but four weeks might have been a tad early to draw bloods on Cyp ester. PM sent.

DBG's picture

I only had those two vials. I was at least trying to help everyone out by posting something cuz I was so sick of the cry baby bullshit everyone posting on your SI. Ppl complain but don't try and prove anything

MuscleDevelop's picture

I know brother, I appreciate the bloods being posted. It's a big help!

J Bol's picture

such a value. Thanks bro

dill851's picture

What has the nitrogen high? +1

DBG's picture

That would be the nandrolone my man

dill851's picture

The shit I'm running is bunk I think... I'm running 400mg a week it's week 10 and mine says 16.0mg/dl with an expected value of 7.0-24.0 although mine didn't say nitrogen it says (bun) and that's it... Is that nitrogen?

DBG's picture

If you have high urea nitrogen, RDW, hemoglobin, hematocrit...then it's pretty clear the deca or tren you have is legit. That's the best thing I can say without getting into a ton of detail.

Deca always gives me high BUN and creatinine levels. And for sure hemoglobin, hematocrit

dill851's picture

Huh well that's not good news for me and my test results.

soldierbot's picture

+1 for the bloods. As others have pointed out, looks about half what your total should be at that dose.

DBG's picture

Consistent high glucose levels since I started running peps...chance it to say my IGF is elevated?

rageracing's picture

Little light imho but not terrible i guess. +1 for bloods

Kobe8jf1234's picture

Thanks for sharing bro

skywalker's picture

I got in on that promo back in September, got two bottles of am tren ace. Had to switch to a different brand I wasn't impressed at all.

Bigguns2014's picture

Was you not impressed with the tren a or cyp buddy
As from the bloods the cyp is underdosed poorly should be way up in the 6000 to 8000

DBG's picture

Wish I had test that pulled at 8000. Just over a year ago, pulled sust(obviously diff brand) and 4 weeks in at 750mg = 5700

Catalyst's picture

Make sure you're drinking plenty, high creatinine suggesting your kidneys are under a bit of pressure. Nothing to get excited about though.

DBG's picture

I def do drink enough water/fluids. Def interesting how my levels get crazy when I ramp up the hormones. Wasn't like this at all for close to a year

Catalyst's picture

Just watch stuff like prostrate issues. Happens to me sometimes on 19's. Assuming you're pissing ok? Get it checked if it carries on after cycle, (not a pleasant experience). Nothing to get excited about mind you, it's only minority inflated.

DBG's picture

I take some supps for my prostate. Seem to work well

Bigguns2014's picture

Yeah saw plamento is very good
Or prostate support from now is very good !!!

Bigguns2014's picture

At week 4 on this dose they should be around 6000 to 8000

At least u know there is test in there

Bigguns2014's picture

Maybe a little more time might of raised them a tad , but even at week 4 they should be higher
That's why endos don't do bloods until week 4 so test e and c has reached peak levels
4 weeks is plenty were not talking gains
Gains for 6 to 8 weeks yes
But plasma levels should be peaking at week 4 ish onwards correct me if I am wrong

Vio26's picture

Many thanks for your blood DBG +1

cd1's picture

Thanks for posting these fella, plus one

solidman's picture

Thanks for sharing+1 a couple questions if you don't mind? How long after last pin blood was taken?and time of the test? It is on the low side for 800mg but it is only week 4 so hopefully your levels pick up some more,thanks again.

Bigguns2014's picture

Thanks for getting bloods done
Like Solidman said it is low for 800mg
Should be close to double that.

Thanks for blood work tho

DBG's picture

Yes def a lil low IMO too. 24 hours after pin at 9am

And too bad I won't test again...I jumped to a diff brand sust for my last few months

solidman's picture

Well thanks for sharing.