witchdoctor6's picture
  • 52

+ 5 Since its wife day...Mrs.Witchdoctor6


Here's a pic of my chocolate beauty after her tae kwon do black belting ceremony. This was post celebration but pre-celebration for me if you know what I mean. ;-)

gsleepy's picture

Yep that's hot!

witchdoctor6's picture

Thankyou! As mentioned before she recently turned 36. Like alot of women she began kicking into overdive after her 30th bday. This is the result of 6yrs of dedication. She simply wanted not to look like her other classmates. This is just another of many things i'm proud of....so thankyou very much.

witchdoctor6's picture

I should get her to join eroids. This should boost her ego anout being
36! Lol

markymark's picture

x2 i did the same thang' lol

gsleepy's picture

Holly Guacamole..... Hubba hubba!

witchdoctor6's picture

Your wife inspired me to do this! Lmao

gsleepy's picture

Hmmmmm perhaps a swap is in order.... LMAO

witchdoctor6's picture

Lol! Dude don't tempt me, I haven't had a vanilla swirl in 10+ yrs! Lmao

gsleepy's picture

ya i hear ya, we just goto talk the girls into it... And there's the trick..... LOL

witchdoctor6's picture

I appreciate! No disrespect taken my man. Her panties always on point! Lol

witchdoctor6's picture


Nitti's picture

WOW!Nice belly button, lol! She run AAS?

witchdoctor6's picture

Nitti...long time. Na she's all natural and big in that cross fit stuff. Flipping tractor tires ,climbing ropes and stuff lol

Nitti's picture

Well you're a very lucky man!

wolfman's picture

I love chocolate....More please...lol

witchdoctor6's picture

I'll make sure to put more up later! Lol

markymark's picture


manbearpig's picture

ohhh man, you guys are making me really jealous today!

witchdoctor6's picture

Its all in good fun brother!

witchdoctor6's picture

Not bad for a 36 yr old. Eight years of fun! I always wanted show her off....just a bit:-)

P's picture
