Ajcooper35's picture
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+ 3 4 Week Test Enantat/Winstrol Cycle


Since there seems to be a good amount of confusion:

My doctor started me on TRT on March 5th at 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate a month. I have had 2 injections from the doctors office. March 5th and April 5th.

In the beginning of February (before i got tested for low testosterone), i ordered my own supply of test online that needed to be reshipped after getting stuck at the gate. That reship was test e/winny/adex.

After i got my first set of labs on TRT done last Thursday, i started this cycle.

This log is mainly to document the addition of the Winstrol for a short kickstart for a test cycle. After the four weeks is up, i am going back to what my doctor changes my protocol to this Friday.

But hello everyone. I’m new to the site. 25 years old, 5’9”, about 180lbs. Been training for about 7 years. Never planned on getting into the ‘big boy’ stuff and stuck to SARMS for about a year a half. Then my natural test production shut down, and i got a t test from my doctor and had low T (at 25, he was a little shocked to say the least). So he started me on TRT about a month and a half ago (on a garbage protocol btw. 200mg once a month, which hopefully that’s changing soon), so i got my own supply to supplement with in the mean time.

I pinned 250mg of Test Cyp last week, and then did a big front load going into this week to kick start the cycle (500+250+125 Thurs, Friday, Saturday)

I have 2 50mg/10ml vials from Dragon Pharma and UG. I am going to pin the Winstrol EOD beginning tomorrow. I am going to pin the Test E every Sunday and Thursday SubQ (with the exception of this week where i will only pin Thursday since i pinned yesterday.

I did my second set labs with my doctor on Thursday last week before I pinned so i will know my starting levels on Wednesday morning when i get the results back.

Starting Weight: 178
Max Bench: 325
Squat: 425
Deadlift: 495

Other lifts and rep ranges i am going to track
Deadlift: 365x10, 455x3
Bench: 315x3, 275x6
Squat: 365x5, 315x8

WeekTestosterone EnanthateWinstrol InjectionArimidex
11000mg150-200mg.5mg EOD
2500mg150-200mg.5mg eod
3500mg150-200mg.5mg eod
4500mg150-200mg.5mg eod
Rayan's picture

Enanthate and winstrol for 4 weeks?
Enanthate is a long Ester... 4 weeks go used testostérone propionate or testostérone base... No?
Winstrol is minimum 6 week and 8 weeks, no?
I don't understand this cycle and the goal

Owes a Review × 1
Ajcooper35's picture

Running test e long term

Adding Winstrol for 4 weeks.

Ajcooper35's picture

100%. The “legal/safer” was the big push for me, plus it’s way less invasive.

The problem is they are becoming more mainstream, but they are still illegal to sell as nutrition supplements. People are putting them in protein powders and selling them as pills, which is essentially rendering the raw powder worthless as it loses potency with oxygen exposure.

The worst thing to happen with SARMs was that dude from Clemson pissing hot for Ostarine. Up until then, nobody every talked about them, and after that news broke SARMs and Ostarine were all over ESPN. Now they are blowing up on social media and supplement shops selling fake/bunk pixie dusted bull shit.

Watch, they will be banned completely (“research supplement/not for human consumption” sales too) within two years.

Sam I Am's picture

Your kick starting with Winstrol ? Wtf...

Owes a Review × 1
IrishMack's picture

OK, you saw your doc a month and a half ago and you looked like this and you showed low test? I'm sorry that I call bullshit. You have the signs of someone who has no issue with testosterone and if the doc didnt see that then wow. When you start TRT that is your dial in phase and if you really are 25 your actions show less than that. Post up your bloodwork from the visit and leave out name and address e.t.c.

Ajcooper35's picture

Blood work is posted.

I was running S4 for about 8 weeks at that point, and came straight off a cycle of LGD/RAD right before it. Definitely set myself up for failure on that... save the lecture.

That and the fact that my diet and training has been dialed for the past year+..

IrishMack's picture

No lecture here. You obviously know what youre doing by putting tourself on meds for life for no reason. Maybe make yourself a diabetic too?

Ajcooper35's picture

Well it was either do nothing and have my testosterone levels stay where they were, or not do nothing.

I went to the doctor for a check up and asked to get my levels check because i felt like shit. It’s not like this was some 12 week plot to crash my test to get put on TRT.

I felt like shit, and i knew i had stuff coming in the mail so i wanted to get my baseline before i started... ended up going a bit differently

IrishMack's picture

You seem like a smart guy. Why are you putting yourself on a permanent med without trying to reboot? That in itself is not very bright.

There is no excuse foe that whatsoever. You didnt even try

Ajcooper35's picture

To be completely honest, i don’t really know. Last year was weird for me (relationship with ex ended poorly/she forced me out of our apartment we had together and job change over the course of 6 weeks) and i kind of went into a funk. That’s why i started back on SARMS, to get in shape faster, but i never really got back to feeling normal. That’s why i ordered the testosterone online, and then got checked at the doctor. Half to see where my starting levels were, but also to see if that’s what was putting me in a funk...

When i saw my blood work i was more excited to know that there was actually something going on with me and a physiological reason to why i felt like dirt, and then when he said if test #2 showed similar i can start testosterone therapy, i kind of got a little too excited honestly.

Being someone who was always curious about anabolics, i pretty much saw it as an opportunity. I’ve always liked experimenting with things (I’m an IT Application Manager so most of my day is breaking the development environment of it and seeing ways to make it better), but my body is one of my favorite things to try things out with. Changing diets, training methods, sleep cycles, routines, etc. So when my doctor offered that “opportunity”, i figured if i was ever going to actually do anabolics, at least this is “controlled” in a way.

But to make a short story long, would i much rather have never had to go on TRT? Whether it was the SARMs, the mental/emotional shit from last year, or maybe it’s been a lingering thing for a while, i don’t know. I know the SARMs obviously didn’t help, but

If i go to my doctor in Friday and he says “Let’s put you in HCG and see if we can get your testosterone levels back naturally and not do TRT” I’d do it. But if he doesn’t, and says no when i ask about adding in HCG, then I’ll stick with what I’ve got for now.

IrishMack's picture

The best you have going is age.. Try clomid therapy. Hcg can work too. Dont fuck yourself at your age things change in life and you have no idea where you will be in 20 years let alone 5.

Ajcooper35's picture

I’ll bring that up to him. I’ve had three appointments with him about this totaling about 4 minutes, so hopefully Friday with my labs from last week in hand, he and I can have an actual conversation/he can refer me to an endo.

I appreciate all of this though. I need the occasional slap up side the head.

Bearded_muscle's picture

It looks like he ran sarms for about a year and a half and THEN he started having shutdown symptoms. Sarms can 100% shut you down especially if run in high enough doseages. Perhaps a full PCT could turn this around for him before it’s too late.

SL's picture

Test E 4 weeks?

Ajcooper35's picture

No the test e/test c is weekly forever. This is logging the addition of the Winstrol.

Immortaltech's picture


In a promo × 1
Ajcooper35's picture

I mean I’m on TRT through my doctor, so there’s no real ‘end point’ In sight or planned.

I won’t be keeping the 500mg a week up forever, that will go back to 250 after this most likely.

But again, this log is for the addition of Winstrol into already using Test for the next 4 weeks.

Sam I Am's picture

250 is not trt. That's a cycle...

Owes a Review × 1
Ajcooper35's picture

My doctor started me at 200mg depo-test a month. I’ve done two with him, did my blood work the morning before i started my cycle. I’m meeting with him Friday to go over either increasing the frequency to 200 a week from him or at least every other week, because 200mg from a single injection a month is ridiculous.

I got my own supply (ordered it before i even got tested ironically) which is what i am running outside of the TRT through my doctor.