jmaresca's picture
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My Cutting Cycle


Below you will find my cutting cycle. I expect to be extremely shredded after this one. My stats are:
205 lbs
10% BF

I expect to reach:
195 lbs
5% BF

WeekTestosterone Propinate Winstrol DepotEQHCGAromasinCabergolineClenbuterol
1700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg 280 mcg
2700 mg200 mg 750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg420 mcg
3700 mg200 mg 750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg560 mcg
4700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg700 mcg
5700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mgOFF
6700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mgOFF
7700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg280 mcg
8700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg420 mcg
9700 mg 200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg560 mcg
10700 mg200 mg750 mg500 UI87.5 mg1 mg700 mcg
Whitetrash's picture

This looks like a mess. The caber makes no sense. The eq for 10 weeks strikes me as a waste of time. Your stated goal of 5% BF suggests comp prep but you haven't said anything about a comp in your post.

You're 36 and you have 23 years of bodybuilding experience? Explain that one for me.

IrishMack's picture

5 foot 7, 205 10% bf....

Dickkhead's picture

The goal is a little confusing bro - 5% BF is not sustainable and you have not said that you are preparing for a show. Do you think you will be able to walk around at 5% BF for a prolonged period?

This is a straight cut where lean body mass remains unchanged and you are only trying to loose a pound a week so that works if the compounds will support taking you down to 5%.

Winny depot is a drying agent and will draw out excess water - not much control on fat reduction which is all diet driven. It is also a tremendously painful injection if you use the water base which is most common.

I don't see any compounds in the cycle that generate an increase in prolactin so I'm curious how your use of a dopamine agonist (caber) works in the cycle.

EQ can certainly be used in a prep cycle, but with such a long ester, for most of the 10 weeks, your blood levels of EQ will just be starting to rise and I'm not sure how you view that on working in the cycle either.

Just watch the clen bro. On your profile it says you have a lot of experience. I use clen, so I can't criticize too much but it isn't the safest compound out there and I would have preferred a long run of HGH to bring down that sub Q fat they way you want.

Aro seems high.

Bro, I'm open to learning new things - I can't figure out how the compounds in your cycle work together and I would be interested in hearing from you how this cycle works. What kind of diet are you planning - keto is common in prep but many just don't like the ramp up into keto and won't do it. So I also would like to know what your plans are in that regard.

Sumatra_Triangle's picture

1mg? Caber? Wtf

TheFlash85's picture

yeah just re read this, im smh. 5% lmao.

TheFlash85's picture

bostin lloyds cum bucket.

guitarplayer1's picture

Now that's a classic right there.

Another lose fat gain muscle waste of a cycle.

Owes a Review × 1
Pmob's picture

Lets take this back to the drawing board.

In a promo × 1
TheFlash85's picture

FFS! winny is actually more toxic than anadrol, if you do that, your liver is fucked. cycle is bunk.

Makwa's picture

What is the caber for? Why are you trying to get to so low of body fat? Are you prepping foe comp? This cycle is all kinds of messed up. Not a good cycle for trying to cut like that. Winnie for10 wks?? EQ for only 10 wks??

What is your previous cycle experience? How are you going to structure your diet?

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