riproll4's picture
  • 52

Attempt #3 at a cycle; input please


Stats: 34yr, 217, 6'2"
Train 2 on/ 1 off..... 30 min cardio in morning
food: 200g raw protien, 100g supplement protien, 150g carb. 150g fats
Goal: put on mass/ lean mass

4 yrs ago att 1st cycle, unfortunatly did little research.
It was Sus 250 1c mon/thurs for 5 weeks, good gains ,no pct so lost most.
Last yr was att #2 : 2 iu of Riptropin 5d/2 off for 10 week, start Sus 300 week 3 (1c mon/thurs). Was making unbelivable gains until week 6 started having intergestion / chest pain, shot breathe after i ate. I stopped the Sus, continued with the Rip.
Going for #3
Was thinking Test Cyp with Rip?
Still learning so inout is very much appreciated-Thanks

WeekTestosterone CypionateRiptropinDutasteride 0.5 ED
14Nolvadex 40Clomid 50
15Nolvadex 40Clomid 50
16Nolvadex 20Clomid 50
17Nolvadex 20Clomid 50
riproll4's picture

Thanx, will do.

riproll4's picture

OOps.typO..supposed to be 2iu day.

DBG's picture

Really? kidding, side effects from the clomid. I have read that some people are more sensitive to it than others. It makes my back break out, that's about it.

kevin777's picture

Maybe save gh for after cycle? I know some guys that have real good luck keeping gains with that

DBG's picture seems you need to start all over again. Leave the GH for some other time and just run some test with a good AI and solid PCT. Why the clomid at only 50mg for first two weeks and running the nolvadex 40mg? Do 100mg first two weeks. Dutasteride?...afraid of losing your hair?...not probably gonna happen on just test alone. You ran rips for only ten weeks too?...why?...gotta run GH for at least six months to a year to get the real benefits.

Weeks 1-12 500-600mg Test E or Cyp
Weeks 1-14 Adex at .5mg EOD or Aromasin at 12.5mg EOD till start of PCT
*adjust AI as necessary pertaining to your sides: ED, E3D, up or lower mg's, etc.

15 days after last pin of test, start PCT for four weeks:
Clomid and Nolvadex
Clomid 100,100,50,50
Nolvadex 40,40,20,20

riproll4's picture

After my first go with Sus I lost hair in front so yeah I'm a bit paranoid. Thanks for the input

DBG's picture

Damn....understandable. I was just asking, I would take some preventative measures myself if I had that problem...I know there can be some wicked side effects to drugs like that though. Better to research it thoroughly before taking it. I have also heard that sometimes when taking hair-loss drugs, they can take months to be fully effective and protective in the sense you need it for(using AAS).

riproll4's picture

I did research the Dutasteride like crazy before using it. Only thing i experienced was occasional nipple pain in week 4. I also used topical 5% as well wich worked. As far as the AI's you recamended i have no experience with, so I will def do my research on it.

DBG's picture

yeah...arimidex(anastrozole) and aromasin(exemestane) are the aromatase inhibitors. I swear I used to think you could get away without using one for simple cycles like just test E/Cyp and maybe something else light like winny at the end...BUT since I have done some more throrough investigation and now run an AI no matter what. Controlling that estrogen is so important, as it can be seriously detrimental to your gains on cycle and after(PCT).

Good job doing research man!!!...that's the only way to do this right everytime. The other option is you can do no research, run poor cycles, and fall on your face everytime wondering what went wrong.

riproll4's picture

Gotcha. .....again thanks for input. Just wanting to make sure I got my ducks in a row befoe I order any gear.

fast48's picture

Bam! .25 adex eod..start when needed