TGB's picture
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WP Order from a month ago.

TGB's picture

I am very happy with the results. I am stronger now than ever before and I have the size I wanted. Thanks again for the great Service. I will be back again soon.'s picture

Thanks for posting pics,hope you like prods and i hope you are happy with results!

TGB's picture

It was buy one get one on the Cyp And Anadrol. I got the Test suspension as a bonus. It still was pricey but not too bad really. Few hundred. If you talk to WP he usually will work with you on price and deals he has going on. He is willing to negotiate more than any other I have used.

certiifiedswagg's picture

how much did they pay you to say this? lol

TGB's picture

Test Suspension., Anadrol , Test Cyp all AP. For those who Bash Asia Pharma without ever using it. Check out the new 10th edition Anabolics book by William Llewellyn which includes Asia Pharma Pics in the pictures index and does not name them as a UGL. Also the Underground Anabolics book shows how AAS products are supposed to be made guess where they went to demonstrate proper procedures Asia Pharma. Watch the videos on the Asia Pharma site of how the gear is produced. All I ask is if you are going to post a bad experience make sure you tried the products or the source first and it wasn't a story from a friend. These products have never given me anything but results and I will continue to use them

Trenabolic's picture

Im sure that asia pharma has top quality. But, there is a valid argument which is you can actually get human grade for much cheaper. With that said asian pharma may or may not be human grade but why would someone take that chance when you can get other labs which you know are 100% human grade. Just my two cents.

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dan88's picture

Sound's like there selling Asia Pharma,they are'nt pharma grade to the best of my knowledge bud.They produce tren and boldanone which are'nt even made for human's,they also use 10 ml vial's.Something that Schering,Organon,Cid (Cidotestone) and all the other's don't do,not only that the price's are ridiculous at world pharma.I've said previously I could literally get 100's of amp's of any of the above legit pharma grade brand's for Wp's price's,better cosistant quality also.Anyway I'm sure it's decent enjoy

TGB's picture

Some AP gear is Thai approved for Human use but they also produce others that are not for Human Use. WHether or not they are true Human Grade is debateble. They do post videos of the production and it is not a small UGL setup by any means. I consider them HG but the products that are not approved for Human Use are still manufacturered up to the same standards as though that are Human Approved. Asia Pharma is produced in Malaysia. Look them up in the Anabolics 10th edition by William Llewellyn he doesn't call them a UGL like he does others like Geneza and others. There are pictures in the picture index of the book. EIther way they are good quality and I am sure that I am not getting fake version of real HG. Many sources sell human grade cheap because it is counterfeit. True HG is not as cheap. Of course WP is not the cheapest but he does sell quality only. You won't see any low grade gear on his site. Like any good source he has many who hate on his shop without ever using the products. I suggest you give them a shot if you have doubts and decide for yourself. The price of the AP is not too bad. I usually get the 10ML vials on Buy one get one free. Which makes them competitive for the price. I consider AP at the very least mid to high grade products. WHere else can you get Tren in Amp form lol. Best Tren on the market IMO.