erich4482's picture
  • 13

+ 1 Update nearing end of cycle.


Update after USP tren, Big D prop, AB enanthate, hulk winny, 3 days of clen 40mcg. Just waiting on the helios to get here, hopefully get that nasty stubborn lower fat away! Still on prop, now hulk prop instead of big D (no reason for the change) 75mg ED, 50mg hulk winny orals ED, calories are cut back to about 2500 and 15-20 min cardio 5 days/wk (running on 5.5 or elyptical). Starting clomid 50mg ED tomorrow. Started at 6'3" 205lbs, now right around 228lbs. Peaked at 230lbs, no idea about BF%. I didn't work my legs for a longgg time in the past and so I think about half my weight gain is in my legs, they grew considerably, but still aren't big by any means. The first pic was taken back in december I think so it was only about a 10 week cycle. I think I actually had a pump from chest/tri's day. The second pic is today after doing legs so no pump.

Unfortunately I'm starting grad school in May and won't be able to run another one for a couple years, oh well. Any feedback is appreciated, thanks gentlemen!

XxTJBxX's picture

Im diggin your ink dude I might hyjack that trible trap shit!

erich4482's picture

Haha thanks bro. Just had another 4 hour session yesterday, the tribal is now covered, sleeve close to complete

chaztheman's picture

Duuude dont let grad school kill your body. Workout while ur in there maybe even do a cycle or 5 being as tall as you are you can take your body to the shape of arnold. Good proportions throughout keep killing your back make it wide. You have a square chest so when it gets giant it will look great so blow that shit up!

erich4482's picture

Oh I'm def gonna be working out while I'm there. A lot of working out because I won't be allowed to work for the two years and I def can't study that much! My buddy who is a PA said when he was in school he was in the best shape of his life. Don't know about running a cycle there tho, don't wanna have it shipped there and risk getting in trouble, and I have to 100% mentally and well, tren doesn't help with that haha.

About my chest, any suggestions on getting it to grow? I work it twice a week sometimes, it's tiny but strong. I have an Inward dip in my sternum which keeps it from looking big.

erich4482's picture

Thanks man, good to hear encouraging words. It's like I gained a lot of weight but I feel like I don't look much different. I was getting 315 maybe once on decline and now I can get it 9 maybe 10. Strength is way up

erich4482's picture

Thanks my man

eatbig's picture

Lookin swoll and lean bro, keep at it.