posted Wed, 03/20/2024 - 16:57
4x Test E 400. 1x Decan P 150.
Thanks ugfreak for letting me in on the promo!
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Our pleasure. Enjoy!
You're going to get swole as hell, man!
High test with a lil nandrolone to cushion the joints. That’s a nice blast right there in itself if you want it to be
The 'High Test' Crew Lol Aye ....
You know I mean in the end, imo, test is the best, it builds lean tissue quite well and is a bio identical hormone. My boys 5 weeks or so into his first blast, test only, made him pull some bloods and he’s still sporting a HDL above 50 and actually improved some health markers since his precycle bloods. Due to what we talked about before, he’s now super concerned about his health and has been taking supplemental support
Yeah ya know its funny as it can often look as if Test is weak on paper, but I worked it out the other day and to my natty bench Test adds another 48kg, then adding Tren / NPP / Dbol all together only gets me another 16kg!!! So as compounds go overall its the best and is the healthiest if you were to pick only 1.
Absolutely, on paper is worthless, vigorous Steve completely discredited those anabolic androgenic ratings, watch the video. Knowing what I know now, I’ll always have Test as my main driver of anabolism and other compounds in the back at small dosages for their unique properties. Those numbers you put up say it all, 48kg damn!
You would expect Trenbolone given how impressive it is on paper to give at least 25kg just on its own. Worst part is they are the most destructive compounds.
Exactly, tren isn’t as powerful as the paper says it is. It does have some unique characteristics, sadly though, correct, can be very destructive. Use it wisely and sparingly, if even at all
Got to disagree with that mate, Tren is the biggest game changer there is, that stuff will transform your physique like nothing else it’s the most affective steroid I’ve ever used hands down and clearly massively more powerful than testosterone. When I run tren I have to watch what I’m doing in the gym because I feel crazy strong and I’ll end up with injuries. Tren is a gift from the gods if you use it correctly you can bulk or cut on it and make drastic improvements.
The sides can be brutal but in my opinion more than worth it … tren is for experienced guys and you really need to know what your doing or you’ll end up locked up , divorced or with a lot of broken shit around your house
I agree bro, tren has unique and useful characteristics. The strongest I’ve ever been was on tren. My comment was just directed towards the so called anabolic and androgenic ratings assigned to some of these compounds. How they arrived at these numbers is laughable, and vigorous Steve put out a video completely discrediting the so called science behind them. I’m just saying that tren isn’t five times more anabolic than testosterone. I don’t believe that 50mg of tren will build as much tissue as 250mg of test, or 200mg of tren than a gram of test. I do use it, for unique qualities, like you mentioned strength, nutrient partitioning, sensitivity to IGF-1.
I get what you mean now , I don’t really get behind what studies or science say because in the real world it tends to be a different story. I listen to my body how it works for me and guys who have actually used these things and know what they did and do for them .
Your probably right about 5 x but if your taking 1500mg of testosterone or your taking 800 test and 700 tren do you think your going to be 5 x bigger probably not but are you going to look 5 x better.
Exactly, nothing beats the data, the studies, the science that you collect for yourself from experience. Also, yeah lol, it’s a tall order to compete with tren in the looks department, another place the compound shines brilliantly. I think that shit even made my old torn sneaker of a face better looking, and that’s truly a gift from the gods