posted Tue, 01/14/2025 - 19:40
+ 4 Trying this guy out….
Finally going to try this gear out. Looking forward to adding this in!
(2) Test E
(3) Mast E
(1) Arimidex
(1) Clomid
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I’ve yet to have a prob with the test e. I run it under hot water never an issue for me. the dude with the golf ball size lump also said it was from a tri blend. He wasn’t taking just test e
Incorrect. There have been over a dozen examples that was just the second most recent one randomly pulled.
The test E is what reportedly is having the most pip and problems.
I was going off of the link you shared his was tri blend if you go read his follow up. I’ve seen less than 5 say that but gear came back overdosed on his latest test. Anything over 300 you run the risk of some pip especially those 400-500 mg tri blends. Could just be some vaginas that can’t take a little sting lol. I split mine into mwf so maybe that’s why I haven’t experienced it
Where do you see he was using a tri-blend in the link? The only follow up comment that is see is him confirming he was using their Test E.
” BeastMoDe33241
I just dont get it. I've used his test e in the past more than a handful of times with no issues”
” Im using their test e. Hes shipping me test c to try. Maybe I should try different injection sites”
Again that was just one of them over the past month there has been over a dozen posts across a couple forums all lumping and bruising that is quite extreme and it seems to all stem from the Test E.
Yeah pip is expected and can even mimic dirty gear symptoms with too high of a concentration, but these have been very extreme. From softball sized lumps to bruising across a whole butt cheek to having to get abscess packed & drained… just a bit worrisome, but I’m interested to see if it continues to be an issue!
You are in for a treat
87 is the best. All gear is on point. Has been for the better half of a decade now, I think.
Let us know how that Test E pins!
I would cut it with sterile oil or a lower dosed oil based on what we’ve seen recently, but definitely interested to see!
Well the plan was for me to just add the Mast E to my current cycle and the Test E is for someone’s very first cycle. I may have to just run the Test too and give him some of my other stuff. I’ll let you know what I end up doing and how it pans out
I've been out the loop. What is the test e overdosed?
Lots of people are having large lumps/brusiing/PIP with the test e. Look at the recent pics.
Let him try it out straight from the vial... for scientific purposes.