posted Thu, 01/09/2025 - 00:13
Golf ball size injection site and crucial pain
I've been using this website for a while. Until recently did i have issues. My last order was causing me pain every time I pinned 1 cc of test e and 1 cc of deca. 87 was awesome enough to replace the test and new bottles but now these shots are causing lumps and major pain in the injection site. I'm scared to pin to second guess if it's trial and error. I dunno. Any solutions ? I use a heating pad to heat up the oils prior to pinning and I've been on gear for years. I just dont get it. This sucks!
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A user is claiming that this lump is from you running a tri-blend, but everything that I see here and your comments suggest that it is from the Test E.
Just to confirm- was this from pinning the Test E?
I get that from test e too, test c I’m good to go,
I tried to mix 1/2 test e with 1/2 test c and that didn’t help, I’m just going to use test c
Crazy! I experienced the exact same thing! Been using this source for years and never experienced any kind of pip hardly ever until my most recent order. The testosterone enanthate caused bad swelling, pain, redness, and even felt warm to the touch. 87 did replace every bottle of test e I ordered so still nothing bad to say about pure anabolic.
87’s test e 300 and c250 is all I have really used this past almost 2 years. I like to run my full syringe under hot water for a min or so, makes for an easier push. Maybe I’m an idiot idk, I only get pip if I blast more than 2cc of it at at a time but as to be expected
I was having extreme PIP not too long ago pinning very high concentrated stuff in the glute sub q. Now PIP is down by 80% and I'm pinning even more gear than before.
1. use thicker and longer needles. went from 27g 1/2 inch to 25g 1 inch.
2. draw a little bit at your site to see if you get blood before pushing to make sure you're not hitting a vessel or vain.
3. make sure the last 10% or so of the shot is MCT oil and before it pin, "drip" sum out to cover the needle to help lube it going in.
My PIP was terrible like a month ago now its no big deal at all. I'm not a pro but this is what helped me.
Easy! The carrier oil isn’t breaking down. Check to see what carrier oil they are using, GSO,MCT etc……. Your body may not like the current carrier oil. You will see this more with higher Mg products.
Sounds like irritation to the oil or additives. Theres some brands that i cant use per their recipe but same oil elsewhere is cake.
Look like a knee ….. I would switch out that gear it’s not agreeable with you , avoid the injection site and monitor it if it doesn’t go down in a few days go see your doc get them look at it as you may need antibiotics and or it lancing
I had this happen to me recently with a different src. Same spot too. It was one of the first times I had pinned glutes. So I wrote it off as that. Went back to shoulders then I had a Lump on my left shoulder! I wasn’t worried as much as I was annoyed. It wasn’t red or irritated and it went away in less than a week. I wonder if it has to do with length of needle and how fast I was injecting. That vial ended up crash a week or so later so I also wondered if it had to do with that. I ended up finishing that vial with no issues.
Is the lump turning red? Does it feel irritated? That’s when I’d worry and go to the hospital. That’s just me tho I’m sure people would be like fuck that and immediately get it checked out. Are you taking the test and deca in one shot? If so maybe try splitting it. Are you using 1/2 needle? Maybe try 1inch. Im just running through the thought that would cross my mind.
I’ve used their Test C with no problems like this. Are you using their Test E? Also are you only getting lumps in a specific spot? Could be scar tissue from years of use, I stopped pinning my glutes for this reason.
Im using their test e. Hes shipping me test c to try. Maybe I should try different injection sites
I still get lumps occasionally, I have a lot of scar tissue nowadays and often go through it to get to the fresh areas. I can tell when some oil has become trapped and then it will lump. If you are familiar with the gear then I wouldn't worry about it, but if it is brand new unknown stuff fresh on the market and the lumps are still present after a week then I would begin to pay attention to it. Normally 10 days and I will pull the oil out myself lol
Haha bro, thats a nightmare of mine. No thank you.
LMAO!!! Its very easy to do mate, the awful part is the pain you get when sticking a Green needle into the painful hard lump. Still just bang the baby in and pull and normally what you get is grey oil that comes out. Lump soon goes down after that and heals up. Its just trapped oil thats all.
Sounds like a fun time i never want to go through. Thanks for the pointers! Lol
Wasting the oil? Or the act of drawing it out?
Drawing it out of me. Ive had to toss oils out when not paying attention when mixing them in the syringe.
You dont like needles right? I think I’ve seen you say something about that. I accidentally shot Sema into a vial of hgh. Luckily it was my last 2iu of that vial.
What kind of mistakes?
Not a big fan off them but gotten used to them. The longer the needle the worst for me. But i know its part of the game we play.
Bro i really used to hate back in the day using those 1 1/2 inch 22 or 23G, i could swear i used to feel touch my bone sometimes when i was 19. These 27g 1 inch or half inch are way better. The oil back then would've never drew through that thin a gauge tho
Mikey you really bring back the stories brotha using that 23 g 1 n 1/2 needle into the glute 2ccs each glute a Week I was just one of those fellas who could not pin my self in the delt it always feels like a flu shot bro but your def right -- now bro the 1 inch or half inch way to go.homie
I hear your guys stories and I am always blesssed we have other option now lol.
But yes i use 25g-31g. Depending on the oils or peptides.
Yeah those 1.5" Greenies are frightening to look at - I actually buy them in 5/8 for drawing as it saves me half a micro second when pulling the oil into the barrel as it doesn't have to travel as far.
I wish my girl was frightened when she looks at my 1.5 greenie lmao!
Lol i think they still use those down south. My bud had some b12 with a 1.5in. I was like wtf, you can use a needle a quarter that size.
Holy shit lmao. Hope number have to do that
Go get it looked at get some antibiotics and trash that gear. Don't play with shit like that I had a bro die from contaminated gear in 2013
I’ve been using the same SRC test E since September and I’ve never had anything like that, I know that the test e is overdosed by about 50mg based on the Janos he reported so I adjusted my dosing accordingly which put me in the right range when I did labs for that particular dose, so just something to consider but if it doesn’t get any better def hit the ER and get it checked out.
Dayum what's going on with their gear this is i think the 3rd or 4th person I'm hearing this about. Bro listen look at my posts and see how careless i am with gear and doses. But if i had some shit like that on me i would not be pushing it on here asking people to guess what they "think" it is, I'd have my ass in the hospital!!!
Also as careless as i am i would try a Lil bit of that shit again to see if it happens again. But only like 1/4cc of one in one spot. 1/4cc of the other in another spot. to see which one caused it. Just don't forget what u did where. Lol.
Yeah that's pretty bad bro don't fuck around man u don't want a fucking chunk cut out of you. In situation like that is better safe than sorry. Good luck bro. Hope u get better.
First of all
How many times u pinning that muscle?
Should be once a week
I rotate delts. Left delt one day and then right delt the next. Never have issues. I'm using ment ED and 87's TNE in the delts.
Once a week if not once every 2 weeks. I always rotate all my injections
I've had lumps from gear and ive had actual contaminated gear before, in fact it was those chinese 3ml Eco Oil satchets. I had one satchet of deca that made my right glute swell to a basketball i almost went to the ER, super painfull, red and really hot to the touch. But in your case it's probably something along the brewing process that was changed from previous batches, unless the injection site starts getting hot I wouldn't loose sleep over it. Mix that gear with something else and see if the added oils eases it.
I remember taking 3cc of test prop with dhb and couldn't squat too take a shit
Worse 3 days of my life
Sounds similar to my first time trying to pin TNE pwo in my calves. Was thinking ”I hit my Bi’s and Tri’s no problem! It won’t hurt!”
Didn’t walk right for days afterwards lol.
Maybe we need a “worst Injection/PIP Experiences” forum LOL!
Damn calves I've never done never will
Delts pecs glutes thighs 4 spots there rotate too right side of body delts pecs glutes and thighs 4 spots
Not surprised at this. Happened to me before. I don't think it's has anything to do with the src however some test e can cause irritation and swelling. Bet it's the Test E that's the culprit
I just dont get it. I've used his test e in the past more than a handful of times with no issues
His test e right now is pip in a bottle I swear
Not saying it's the case but it can be the quality or even the storage of the raws. Who knows. Years ago there was a manufacturing issue with test enanthate and alot of folks got pip. It was horrible. So a few factors.
Edit: To be fair any src could have test e that gives pip and swelling
100%. One of my favorite SRCs actually got a lower dosed batch so decided to overdose by 10-15% if I am recalling directly on a couple things the batch also seemed more oxidized and/or overheated as it was darker. Still quality stuff but definitely not comfortable to inject.
Watch for redness, continued swelling, pain, tenderness around area. Could be time to start an antibiotic if it’s accompanied by pus drainage, fever, red streaks around the site, etc.
I always keep Z-Pak’s on hand and many SRC’s here sell them or similar!
Worst case go to urgent care clinic (NOT ER Unless you want to pay crazy, also depends on insurancet though). They will probably end up lancing/packing it for you and prescribing said meds.
I’ve also seen dudes get abscesses or similar reactions from completely clean gear. Whether it’s high hormone concentrations or reactions to solvents/oils it’s always a risk.
This is all assuming you are injecting as sterile as possible.
You’ll be fine either way! Don’t let it go to a nasty extreme and get sick and continue to think it’ll heal… some dudes have almost lost limbs or gone septic being idiots!
Z packs?
Zithromax (azithromycin), also known as Z-Pak, is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections by inhibiting the growth of bacteria in the body. A Z-Pak is typically taken over a five-day course to treat infections such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and infections of the ears, lungs and other organs.
Copied and pasted lol
Thanks. Might need some for a just in case scenerio. Doesnt hurt to have in storage.
Exactly. Just a few factors so it can be hard to pin point the actual cause. But something about that enanthate ester I can't put my finger on. It can be good or bad.
Yeah Smurf heat will oxidize it if you're way over that melting point temp for too long. Not trying to get too much into brewing talk but things can happen. I'd like to see the composition of an oxidized hormone vs regular hormone.
My worst fear would be having to get lanced open. That can get nasty