MEXVOL's picture
  • 14

+ 11 TRT used daily subcutáneous inject


Ihave some lr3 from ironlion order since 2023 still potent
75mcg morning and pre-workout
Trt used pharmacomlabs test E 300mg, total 200-210mg a week.
Used 30mg a day subcutáneous ,subcutáneous inject is more comform,just give a lil balls on place inject and redness but gone aftee few days,look like this slowly absorción help without raise to much estradiol

DeeMan's picture

Hey @MEXVOL thanks again my man

MEXVOL's picture

Us are for help bro --

DeeMan's picture

Yes. Thanks

MEXVOL's picture

U welcome bud

Jonwiggs8's picture

Taking that much (or honestly that LITTLE) Testosterone is basically shutting down your natural Testosterone and that little amount is only a therapeutic dose, and those numbers are more of what would be seen on a "cycle", especially the Free Testosterone number. These Testosterone numbers on that little amount of Testosterone is REALLY hard to believe.

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MEXVOL's picture

Is overdosed the vial for sure for 210mg a week , drop the dosage to 150mg a week, and do bloods again for check it been ln 800ng

Bassnectar's picture

muy buenos resultados

MEXVOL's picture

Si poco overdosage ,bajare a 150mg por semana

ironlion's picture

great, enjoy it, thanks

Dixon_Credible's picture

Excellent numbers

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Jockstrap's picture

I enjoy seeing bloods posted

UncleYoked's picture

good evidence for the use of sub q dosing. 300mg concentration may be why you're getting the little lump, try 250 and bump it from 10iu to 14iu. may or may not help, also rub it in a bit when you finish to help spread it out.
give this guy some up votes and get him out of the red. T

MEXVOL's picture

Yeah bro i do 10ui a day,look subcutáneous help not raise estradiol to much

damage33's picture

Great numbers. I really like the low estradiol. If it’s recent, I’d retest later to monitor it. +1 for free testosterone!

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Not too too bad…
120mg pharma puts me between 700-900 consistently. At 300 I’d expected slightly higher than 1162, but that free number is nice!

Wayyy better than 2-5% of the total haha!

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MEXVOL's picture

Total i been used was 200-210mg a week,yes free number are great my sex drive is very good rn

smurfdude1234567's picture

Makes sense! Misread but good #’s then! The free is great!

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MEXVOL's picture

And feel great

DavosD's picture

He said 30mg a day, thats 210mg a week.

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Haha yup makes more sense now just read the 300 and daily subQ injects half asleep last night lol.

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Big Paul's picture

You must of been good at Maths in school lol.. I seen that myself 210mg a week

YRB's picture

30mg daily of test 300 would be way over 210mg of test a week 0.3x7x300 would be 630mg of test.

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Jockstrap's picture

30 x 7 = 210. 200-210 with any barrel/pin loss which is minimal on a slin.

Chad P's picture

He said 30mg not 0.3. Where are you seeing that?

YRB's picture

Yea I was confused i was like wtf how’s he’s getting 210mg obviously he’s not doing 630 a week but the dosing had me confused.

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Glad I’m not the only one that was half-asleep commenting last night hahaha

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YRB's picture

I was driving from the gym haha Smile

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MEXVOL's picture

30mg a day for total 210mg a week

YRB's picture

You’re only going 3 lines before the 1 or what I guess that’s where im confused never thought about that.

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