MEXVOL's picture
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+ 3 Tren hex for next blast


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Jonwiggs8's picture

Tren Hex is the only REAL Trenbolone product that was approved for human use. It actually came out of France back in the day when it was made. It has been said by the people who actually used it back when it was real and called Parabolin, that they would only take 76mg every 3 or so days. 76mg was used bc that was how much was in 1 amp of Parabolin.

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Mistercaber's picture

Looks like a lot of gear, stay safe. I can barely handle 100mg of tren a.

anvil's picture

Hex is a little different, the only tren that was made for human use.

Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD pic and enjoy the products!

Jockstrap's picture

Never tried hex. Seems easy to pack tren e in a bottle and double the price. But soon i will try the real deal

anvil's picture

Gonna need some more brother, unless you have some stashed. I ran it at 300mg per week without any sides. The tren hex.

MEXVOL's picture

Are run it wirh hgh? I running 200mg a week last time from babon properly dosage was the batch with jano test posted,do 12 feel it weakee so i do anothee 3 for total 15 weeks and loss goof amount of fat on déficit calorit acourse,i dont go high dosages not more, running pharmacomlabs 300mg and primoofgoods 300mg tren hex long time ago potent af best cycles i do with hgh

anvil's picture

Yes I run everything with GH buddy, year round. Hex was the first tren I used that was side effects free, even 50mg of a/e I couldn't sleep.

FiveFingerDeathPunch1's picture

You like it better than Ace or eth ? How often do you run hex and how much?

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MEXVOL's picture

I dont know if is mental but i dont have tren insomnio from tren hex vs tren E
300mg for 12 weeks is basic cycle depend of the people if is beginner or advanced