Leylaray's picture
  • 3

+ 3 Taken today at my home gym !


Im 47 years old and My veins are way too much im guessing from the tren . And I took a pin of winstrol in each front delt so that's what looks like a golf ball on my shoulders lol. Any comments or educate me on anything ! I want to hear what you have to say . Current cycle 700mgs test enanthate , 50mgs anadrol 200mgs tren enanthate, and 25mgs of winstrol . Ready to order for my next cycle and have not a clue as to what to do ? Any inputs please !

lundgren's picture

Hello @Leylaray
What brand do you used from Flora ?
Yes 50mg Anadrol + Winstrol are surely not the best things ....
Try to give a cycle with only Anadrol for bulking and save your win for cutting (try to wait minimum 2 months between for your liver + supplement like NAC / Milk Thistle)

Stanozolol go with oral but think about your joint / tendon

About your lump maybe check a doctor, blood work to see if you have infection. Try cyotherapy 20mins morning / 20mns evening on the lump.

Leylaray's picture

Ok the winstrol I just pinned a couple hours before this pic . I get the same reaction with test suspension ! I have arimidex and hcg and clomid . Yes it goes down and away after like 4 days . It hurts but no pain no gain . I've come to tolerate high doses and get my best results with that . I get bloods done once a month and my doc knows everything I take and do . I use a 1" 23 gauge pin and I move my sites around every week like this week was front delts then next is sides and last is rear . Then all my other gear I do in my thighs and buttocks and inner and outer heads of my biceps and my chest also.

EliteDucky's picture

thats a very toxic cycle if you ask me with them high doses, your taking that much gear but asking for your next cycle cause you havent got a clue ? where did you get this cycle from surly its not your first cycle ? what have you got to hand for the sides cause im sure ul get some running that cycle. have you got your PCT planned and at hand too?

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Makwa's picture

If injectable winni is lumping you up like that I would stop pinning it immediately. Does it always lump up like that or was the first time you used it?

Diesel77's picture

Curious to know as well....

He pinned both front delts...confidently.... Shok

Drexyl's picture

Imagine the WBC count.

Makwa's picture

I got a golfball sized lump on my delt from some DHB many years ago. Could even see it through my T-shirt. That sucker hurt like hell too Lol

Drexyl's picture

Thumbs up as it’s obvious your condition and size is great, nice job on that! But that lump? Bro, no bueno. Ce n’est pas bien. Not good. Are you positive that wasn’t an oral suspension you injected? Looks like a hell of a reaction.

Diesel77's picture

What size/length needle did you use to inject the winny? Those lumps...especially the 2nd picture... Shok

Hope it dissipates over the next couple days and doesn't develop into anything worse. (Hoping its nothing serious and you just didnt go deep enough when injecting)

Wish you well bro

Nattyboomba's picture

Is that where you’re injecting? When I do shoulders, I pin the outside medial delt in the center, and I’ve never seen a lump like that on your right shoulder. It doesn’t look red in the pic. Is it hot or painful?

Jonwiggs8's picture

You are looking great but those lumps are NOT normal from winstrol. Winstrol is a water based injectable and can carry bacteria easier than an oil based injectable. I had a buddy get a half dollar sized hole on his rear that required antibiotics and other medical attention. He was left with a nice sized scar and with nice shoulders like you have, you DON'T WANT a gross scar on them. We all know you can drink winstrol so...I don't know it's up to you just PLEASE PLEASE be careful. Your body might be giving you a warning and telling you something. You know your body better than anyone, we often times don't listen to what its telling us bc we are usually too hard headed. Keep kicking ass! You are doing great.