italian92101's picture
  • 242

+ 4 swole tshirts are sexy


Man got 2 compliments today on t shirt, it's really cool , a dude asked if there was a swole team 5-4-3 etc. Answer was no only Swole team 6, the elite nobody else lol

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Winny86's picture

You are a beast! Looking great bro. I would give you a +1 if I could lol!

koks4you's picture

You looks really good, nice quality muscle +1

WINNING's picture

I'm like swole team 2, ,compare to your size! Love the shirt, +2

The Problem's picture

If you want to like extra BIG AS FUCK then you should get size S or XS LOL not srs.

catkinson's picture

Dam bro ur filling out that large size nicely!! I can tell by the letter size. Ur a big mofo tho.

Owes a Review × 1
italian92101's picture

Good eye its large, like my stuff form fitting...

italian92101's picture

For this ebc not only I'm going to be eating during day, but have mastered the art of night feeding, at 1 am then again at 4 am and last night meal at 6 (mini meal) , man also got some new weapons of mass construction Smile doing it ronnie Coleman style back to back. Smile