iMass's picture
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+ 3 Super high liver enzymes, crushed estrogen


I'm on TRT last 5 years and am doing a blast. I was taking 250mg test Cyp per week with 400mg boldenone Cyp per week. Last 10 weeks. I just took the last shot of the boldenone. Started Anavar at 60mg per day two weeks ago and am continuing this with the testosterone. I was taking 12.5 mg aromasin twice a week. I had this bloodwork done last Friday.
Obviously, I'm going to stop taking the aromasin for a while so my estrogen can come up into the normal range.
I know liver enzymes will be elevated considering the Anavar, but is my AST/ALT too high? To the point where I shouldn't be taking the Anavar?
Hemoglobin/RBC isn't above range but I'm ready to go donate blood this week.
Kalpa test Cyp, kalpa Anavar, Pharmacom aromasin.

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TheBigGuns's picture

I have been on HPTA restart by doctor for over 12 months with extremely good results. My doctor has me on 300iu hcg 5 days on, 2 off weekly. After about 3 months the hcg through stimulation of testosterone will convert to estrogen. Extremely low estrogen is also bad for your heart. Given your levels, if you have any chest pain at any time I would discontinue your all oil injectables.

After 3 months and blood levels in range for estrodiol, take arimidex 2 times weekly. Through the process, you will need bloods every 3 months to see where your at.

Concerning your liver, your ALT is triple = not good. Liv52 DS at 2x daily will correct in 3-6 months easily or less. This is why bloods are important every 3 months, which is the main reason I crashed my shit (HPTA). Hope this helps. Supposedly, HGH helps will assisting recovery as well. 3iu is good.

ironguy1972's picture

That much aro.....twice a week really should not have crashed your estro. Is there anything else that you are taking? Just the test and bold cyp? I'd drop the var like mak said and wrap it up

Makwa's picture

I'd drop the var. Need to prep that liver with liver supps a couple wks before starting and then continue for at least a couple weeks after.

iMass's picture

Do you think that not being fasted could have affected this test? Would it be worth it to retake test while fasted tomorrow then decide whether to drop the var? In the grand scheme of things I know it's not worth sacrificing my health for something as mild as var.

Makwa's picture

Fasting really shouldn't make a difference. If you are hellbent on using the var get on some TUDCA and Essential Forte right away and retest in a couple of weeks. If values are still climbing then dump the orals and just continue on with the supps for a couple of weeks to help the liver out.

iMass's picture

Privatemdlabs has a liver function test that I should probably just take this week and be fasted this time.

iMass's picture

One dumbass thing I didn't mention... I was not fasting during this test. Just remembered and am thinking the AST was retardedly high because of this perhaps. Might be somewhat of a false reading. Like I said, I feel totally normal, besides some low e2 symptoms.

SuperMax's picture

Damn that's a low dose of aro to crash your e2!!!!
Anyways, I hope you look into Ursodeoxycholic acid, either in free form or attached to Turine, known as TUDCA. Also taking in a minimum of 1.5 gals of water everyday. Obviously no drink alcohol & you could benefit from adding beats to your diet.
I've had higher liver enzymes than this & didn't feel it till all of a sudden it felt like a kick under the right rib by some pointy ass boots. Sharp pain.

Livelife76's picture

What is your estro at can't tell bottom is cut off?
Aro needs to be taken at least eod really Ed for stable levels. I don't know why your estro is crashed if it is at that low dose of aro and dosing protocol I would think you'd be fine. If you are crashed do as you said drop the ai.

As for enzymes are you taking tudca? If not pick some up and run that for 4 weeks I'd just drop the Var all together man

iMass's picture

Estrogen is below 5 on a scale of 7-42.

I need to pick up some Tudca.

Livelife76's picture

Yeah drop the ai and pick up tudca you should be good bro +1 for bloods good luck

giants59's picture

And this is why I won't mess with orals anymore. I bet you feel like shit. Hopefully a vet will chime in and give you the right advice so you can fix this.
Do you get blood work regularly?
Do you donate blood?

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iMass's picture

Surprisingly I don't feel like shit at all. Getting in plenty of calories and water and have great training sessions. I do bloodwork every four months and donate blood every six or so.