Pumped_'s picture
  • 932

+ 5 Sticking with the same theme of labs


My version of Aleve for my shoulders. Well needed.

Ordered from: 
SolDier_5's picture

Hahaha I did that !
Puppet sleepy joe stickers all over the gas stations!
Deca would be good for him upping those stairs
Nice order I’ve heard good things about para pharma

Pumped_'s picture

Oh i tagged about 50 gas stations and about 25 bacon and steak sections in the store lol

SolDier_5's picture

Hahah you are a legend absolute savage !
Ima go on eBay and order some

teamroids's picture

thanks for sharing bro

JakeKO's picture

Always quality gear

Pumped_'s picture

Para pharma always been good lab for me up there with dragonpharma. Testo 400 still got a hell of a bite but at least you know the potency is consistent no matter what source it comes from.

r.f's picture

Nice pick up... I'm on para npp. So far so good.. Very smooth no pip. Enjoy bro

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