Jonwiggs8's picture
  • 183

+ 3 Steroidify Promo TOUCHDOWN!!!!!!


I just got my promo from Steroidify and I have to tell you, I have NEVER used this particular brand of Testosterone, but it looks VERY GOOD. It looks clean and just like what you would want in a high quality Test. I will be using this and writing a FULL REVIEW in the upcoming weeks! So, stay tuned.
Also, I got a bonus of 5 pills of Cialis, 20mg. I will be taking one right now and put it to work tonight to see if I can get the little lady to look like she rode a horse to work tomorrow, lol. She will love it.

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MEXVOL's picture

Current used pharmacomlabs test E done bloods always great, that cialisis is potent af

Steroidify's picture

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, love the enthusiasm! Pharmacom's products are indeed top-notch, and we truly believe they’re one of the best brands in the history of the sport. You’ll be in great hands with their Testosterone.

Jrblh2's picture

Can't go wrong with Pharmacom
Used with success

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Knowyourrole88's picture

Nice order brotha thumbs up to' u n steroidify they r amazing fellas they let on I tried pharmacon test and mast and it was awesome and I had dragon pharma thru them they are one stop shop nice pickup good luck on the cycle!

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