+ 5 SOMAs are working
ALL: Let me start by thanking iFit for the assistance. I started a couple of years ago as a TRT patient. I am now 56 years old. My starting levels 2 years ago were Test in the low 200's -- IGF-1 in the 70's =saw an Dr( endo) TRT began -- Test C 1 time per week( Wed) .5 cc plus HCG .5 cc twice per week Thurs and Monday.
No PCT nothing else. Tests rose to mid 500's. IGF-1 84. Co-worker introduced me to Eroids - I did research thanks to members comments and found great suppliers. Acquired Test C from 101 then RS - upped dose to .5-.75 cc Sat and Wed. HCH .5 cc Fri and Thurs. Test rose again to 734- free test in the 150's. Dr suggested HGH due to low IGF-1 at 106. His RX( Humatrope) HGH $19.00 US per unit. After looking I found Karl - Somas looked good - gave them a try. Use 1 unit per day upon waking AM.M-Th. My last blood results indicated IGF-1 increased to 231. I advised my Dr about Soma's - He suggested I increase dose to get IGF1 over 300 but no more than 331 for my age. Test 845 Free test 234.4. I feel great. Obviously I use relatively modest amounts but my purposes are anti-age. I can bench 120 lb dumbells which for me is a miracle.
Have ceased HGH for a while as I have Melanoma which will be surgically removed 10/15/15. Then it is on!
Thanks to all the Eroids members for helping me along. Without your guidance I would not be where I am at.
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I wish you good luck with your surgery.
Thanks for the good wishes. It is hard to believe something not much larger than a pencil eraser, unchecked can kill you.
Go this Thursday - down a couple of weeks then back at it.
Hope all is well with you.
1iu... 4 to 5x a week. can you please verify how much bac water you used to reconstitute each vial of soma ? Great numbers btw! +1
I know this is off topic but I was wondering about my free test. Is it too high? On my last lab( March 16-2015) which is posted on Eroids I was lower 154 or so and my DHT was 90. Now my free test is 234.4 and my DHT is 60. The other puzzle is my estro stays low with no blockers of any kind.
Should I be concerned? Dr advised my Hemoglobin and Hematrocrit high - suggested I donate blood?
Is this common?
if I should place my inquiry elsewhere please let me know and I will.
I use 2 ML of Bac water for each vial. I was surprised by the numbers as well. I wanted to start off conservatively to see what happened. On TRT so I usually get blood checked between 3-4 times per year,
My Dr, even commented on my IGF-1. He was also pleased with the cost vs US pharma.
rocketballzJust a thought here brother. You have melanoma. I wouldn't touch HGH for at least 5 years post removal of the melanoma. Growth hormone makes things grow...including cancer cells so please be VERY VERY careful with the hgh.
Thanks - I will - In addition to Wide incision removal I am having a SLN test Sentinal Lymph node test. They inject dye and see where it goes. I got it early - so to all have skin checked, I am stage 1B - depth1.7mm no ulceration and low mitosis. So I have a good prognosis. My wife is now using my dosage and loves it.
I will have 3 month follow ups for a few years.
Grew up in Florida - in the sun all the time.
+1 bro thanks for sharing
Thank you and Thanks to all members for great advice!
Trying to help this member out via PM and everyone understand what he is trying to say.
So these numbers are on an extremely lose dose NOT the standard protocol for testing.
Finally I got the info posted. I posted a review as well.
Good numbers for 1iu.
What I intended to state is the Somas's are great. In speaking with my Dr today he was impressed with the IGF-1. 231. My test was 845 - free test was 234.4 - DHT 60 - I use 1-1.5 Test C weekly in addition to HGH.
I use HCG twice per week .5 cc
Estro is 26.
All I am sorry about my lab tests not going through. I will try again tomorrow. Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are high. Dr suggested I donate blood.
I think it is important to show labs -- and again accept my apologies for my error in uploading.
Needs to be in jpg not pdf
I re scanned all the pages in to jpg. I will upload as I cannot copy and paste.
THANKS!!!!!! I will fix it. I just went to upload area but only the guidelines popped up. I will continue to check.
I appreciate the advice.
Where the lab test what dose whats your baseline come on man you gotta give us more than this
I tried to load my lab test -- they did not go through. I use 1 unit per day 4-5 days per week. My base line IGF-1 was 84. Went to 106 now 231.
Labs done at Quest
Edit your comments of this post kinda comes across negative i thought you were sayin there shitty
I tried to load my lab test -- they did not go through. I use 1 unit per day 4-5 days per week. My base line IGF-1 was 84. Went to 106 now 231
Dude thats good for 1 unit a day you more than doubled your igf1
I will cut and paste my lab report.
Here is my IGF 1 from my 3.16-2015 report
IGF-I, ECL 106 50-317 ng/mL
Z-SCORE (MALE) -0.5 -2.0 - +2.0 SD
that doesnt say it all...what dose bro?
Labs posted -- Sorry for confusion.