NuclearMess's picture
  • 185

-1 Shoulders popping


Running Matrix Test E from BD. His shit is fire. 500 mg/wk.

Ordered from: 
Goose24's picture

Hacked account???

cd1's picture

Clearly on some kind of power trip...all your other pictures have your face blocked and now today your mug is in clear view and with a comment of ....I can't be touched...
Surprised this hasn't got any negative karma

Pmob's picture

WTF is going on here???

In a promo × 1
Dope's picture

Hacked account or crack imo

In a promo × 2
NuclearMess's picture

Yep. I can't be touched

Livelife76's picture

Carl is that you???

ChickenBirdOfGains's picture

Hey Smile

SenseiMiagi's picture


Goose24's picture

Shit I know this guy. Lol

true grit's picture

Did you forget to face block?