mike098's picture
  • 20

+ 4 roxi touched down...


I know roxi went through some bad times in the past, but I figured I'd give them a chance.. they never did me bad gear was always on point so hopefully this will be like old times again..
Test prop
Tren ace

Ordered from: 
matthewr37's picture

It's good --

K-E-A's picture

Nice shot man. +1

Bigboss10's picture

I used to order a lot from him and developed a relationship with the guy. He told me that the guy brewing for him was mad about a long delay in pay. Roxis funds receivers ran off or got popped and he couldn't pay his brewer. This is what the brewer did in retaliation. Clearly he's not using the same brewer lol. I say you're good bro.

Mckenna2006's picture

Didn't know this cat was still around, although I wouldn't use him. Might as well try it.

Bigboss10's picture

Like Russian roulette much?

dudebro's picture

lol yeah this guy is much more brave than i am

JRTX956's picture



Swampwater anyone?

+10 on mass specs. Probably apple juice in them vials lol

mike098's picture

Yeah I saw those before lol

JRTX956's picture

I wouldn't take the chance. Plenty of great sources here brotha. Good luck. +1 for being a brave soul. Lol

mike098's picture

I been using grrl lately but she was out of test prop and tren when I went to order.. that's who I'll probably end up using I'm gonna try thr prop first before doing anything tho

mike098's picture

Mass specs?

mike098's picture

Do you know a forum where it talks about it ?

boots2asses12's picture

was just thinkin about them the other day lol hope stuffs better now bro

mike098's picture

Thanks man you and me both haha.

j1980's picture

I didn't even know this lab was still around. I agree with reloaded you are a brave man! Good luck.

mike098's picture

I won't ever know until I try it, right? Lol yeah there still around I guess keeping things small now

reloaded87's picture

+1 brave soldier. The tren looks a little cloudy but I can't really tell if it's just the picture or if I expect it to be haha. After seeing all the horror pics of his last shit on eroids I am scared for you.

Owes a Review × 1
mike098's picture

It's a little cloudy..prop looks good but the tren is definitely cloudy. . Do you know why it'd come cloudy? I'm going to pin it so I can see for myself if it's worth it, I'm hoping it like the gear I use to get from him