Blade1's picture
  • 16

+ 18 If your dying to try Roxi be careful....... you just might!!!


This guy is gonna get somebody killed!!!
Roxi's Tren A

Ordered from: 
Legion of Doom's picture

Press I swear he had worse pics than this but that some sic shit who would send this shit out and not expect ur business to go down the shitter. I think he is still in business I could be wrong.

In a promo × 1
press1's picture

Holy Shiiiiittt - Is this soil mixed with urine??!

Did people actually pin this stuff? .....

In a promo × 1
beatz33's picture

Wow that's horrifying!

Chupakabro's picture

+1 for the Hazmat warning. Looks worse than shaneos' if thats possible.

Gargoyle's picture

I'm pretty sure Roxie stole my Copenhagen spit bottle and is using it to fill his vials.

flacidego's picture

I won't be buying anything from this cat, that's for sure. It looks like a dissolved chunk of dog crap in water.

foxracing13's picture

You would think it would be so much easier for him to just come on and apologize and send out a new bottle to save his rep. But nothing.

shaneo's picture

man I swear I was thinking the same thing. Instead he just attacked our inteligence.

trenmonster's picture

oooo that pic looks rough. as ugly as it gets. only a punk ass bitch would try to put this out to us. roxi just take your ball and go home.

hoagie_m's picture

best thing for everyone to do is spread the word everywhere you can so nobody gets fucked up by this garbage.

Throw out a warning on any and all sites you can.

Iron_Addict0929's picture

WTF... Absolutely deplorable! No excuse for that, this is intended to be injected into someone's body?? And no customer should have to re-filter gear, we're not brewing fina pellets here. Garbage, toss that shit!

Wrath's picture


FinMan's picture

Maybe get Beaker to find out what the fuck is in that vial. If its just tren then ... Well I don't even know what to say after that.

gRxnch's picture

That is disgusting...back around 2005, my cousin got toxic shock syndrome from a bad batch of tren...

hoagie_m's picture

Like, the same shit chicks get from rotten tampons?!?! LOL

gatorbits's picture

Roxi be gone!


Owes a Review × 1
Strangelanguage's picture

Wow!! Sorry if I missed it but, what is that suppose to be bro? Good looking out man

Blade1's picture

It's Tren A

eclipse35's picture

Thanks for posting the pic bro, I too was going to ignore all the latest bad reviews bc of everything he was saying and people in the past saying he was a great source. +1 If I could vote lol

Owes a Review × 1
bigJOHNstud's picture

im surprised there isnt a turd floating in there. disgusting!!

park's picture

Shit man all you got to do is filter it man.

Haha biggest load of shit Ive heard. I hope everyone stops buying this shit. Looks like daily pics of his sewer gear. +1

Blade1's picture

Thanks bro!

frank the tank's picture

Roxi sending out more garbage.

Owes a Review × 2
avocado13's picture

LOL at the people saying to ban you know why he hasnt been banned? It is because that's not the mods jobs . You want to buy from a source? You do your own due diligence and figure it out. This is a review site and the only time theres intervention from the mods is if packs aren't being shipped out, scammers, ect ect. Other than that, its all on us folks. So blade, good job posting the picture. Now pin that shit and tell me you don't turn into a monster....literally a monster, ya know with scurvy and shit.

Modified's picture

So the site operators bear no responsibility for having a source that sells potentially contaminated gear? Maybe they should refuse to accept money from them. And not allow them to launch promos (more money) all the time when their last one was a scam (test 4 bad tren).

Blade1's picture

100% scammed..the worst part is it hurt my feelings...this dude was stand up. Maybe he started smoking crack! Lol

avocado13's picture

No it's not scamming, it's just sending out a pain in the ass. Roxi says to send it through a whatman filter. Now I don't know about you but I like my gear sterile and ready to pin. If I wanted to filter gear, I'd just brew it myself. So is it shitty quality and a source thats kind of a doucher? Damn straight. Either way, not sticking up for the source at all or anything because I'll never order from him again.

hoagie_m's picture

Was gonna say.... if he say's watman filter, then why the fuck does he not already do this himself!?!? What a bag of shit.

youngtricep98's picture

Dirty bong water or what?

turbotrav07's picture

Why does a mod not chime in here!!!? U mods regulate please come answer why this source is around causing or could cause harm to others this is a review site and these are the pics were getting on here? Plz chime in and say why this person is not banned?

Modified's picture

Money? Entertainment? Indifference? I don't know.

mobman702's picture

Exactly why I didn't nor will I ever order from them... Good looking out bud.. Fuck that... messed up big time..

hollywoodham's picture

wow, good to know bro. +1

Owes a Review × 1
Blade1's picture

Thanks bro!

MASSIVE48's picture

Once again.. Looks like the watery shit i took this morning... (SMH) -_-


roidjunky79's picture

I'm picturing that with the vince mcmahon voice lol

hypnoso's picture

Dude what the fuck is this suppose to be? TREN? No what the fuck is this septic water? No urine from kidney stones? No Shit bag toxic waste? Holy fuck!!!!

Vendetta's picture

sad part is if you go to their page they ton of guys like " your stuff is fireeee bro " lol bathtub operation they got here

Mars's picture

man that's gross brother, thanks for lookin' out!