dphdrew1's picture
  • 10



Sus450, got this to finish up my last cycle. Extremely underdosed.

italian92101's picture

got me walking like a homo.......... (no homo) haaaaaaaaaaaa but serusly i still have one all vial if somebody wants its free enjoy the pip...............

dphdrew1's picture

Gave one vial to one of my bros while he waited for his order from them. My vials had the orange tops with the syntrop logo, that vial had almost no pip. He got his order two weeks later and gave me a vial with a white top...OMFG it was the dullest, wanna make you puke pain ever. Tried warming it and same thing. I gave it away!

italian92101's picture

well i got the batch from back in july, got 2 vials was only able to do 1 and half, cause the pip was really brutal shoulder and ass, i couldnt walk limping like a mofo, you probably lucky you got the newer batch, but still underdosed as fuck and probably to much BB....

italian92101's picture

wanna talk about the crippling pip............. m

j0n's picture

yeah man regenerxxl has gone to complete shit. i dont think they pump out real gear anymore