Hank Hill's picture
Hank Hill
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Progress on first cycle


Hey guys can u post more than one picture at a time. I had trouble so I had to crop it, and I lost some of my arms in the process. But anyways this was my first cycle and I have been happy with my progress made. The first pic was taken about two weeks in and the last was taken today, which I'm about to start my pct. I added in an extra trip to the gym at least 4 times a week to strictly do cardio and I really think it has helped. I was definitely overweight to start a first cycle, but happy with the progress and can't wait to get an even better base going to I can be ready for my next. Thanks for all your help guys!

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Sosa123's picture

Leave the gear alone, go natural reach your maximum potential then get on gear

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Jdirty77's picture

What you want is the wow factor and unfortunately it takes years of hard work. You will never get instant gratification by doing g what your doing I promise you. You will regret not working your ass off naturally for at least 3 years and by those pics I am so sorry to say and humbly am telling you you are not doing it correctly. I am sorry for being blunt. Because trust me if you saw me when I started I was 175 pds I now get up to 270 pds when bulking and 235 ripped

Sosa123's picture

I agree ... with u 100%

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Jdirty77's picture

My first cycle was at 21 after military training and lifting since I was 17. I did 10 amps if Russian cytahoh 250. Old schoolers will remember those I gained 20 pds if solid muscle. Please please please put in natural work first and it will payoff. Sorry but those pics do not justify putting any drugs. Eat well and take creatine bcaas and train like a beast. Please!

Hank Hill's picture

Appreciate it bro. Yea I just got bloods back and am about ready to start next cycle. I haven't gained any weight since my last cycle. Ended and am eager to hit it hard for the next few months.

Hank Hill's picture

All I ever really see on these threads is "don't do it, ur not ready" and it's frustrating bro... It's not just me that gets told that it's the majority of peeps on here. I've done a shit ton of reading and reasearch and dieting and I believe I'm ready. I've seen way worse picks on here than mine and just because they are an old timer they still get ++. I know i ain't a vet by any means but u gotta start somewhere... Sometimes I wonder why I joined up here because I thought it was all about vets helping noobs, and I appreciate all the help I've gotten on here and the info, but it seems more and more like it's people that know more discouraging people that don't

helloBrooklyn's picture

If you're going to do something at all, why would you not want to do it right?

Conansteve24's picture

Whats going on with ur traps dude? On both pics the trap is higher on the other and oposite...

Hank Hill's picture

I know bro lol that freaked me out too... It's my hands when I was holding the phone for my camera.

Hank Hill's picture

Damn u guys are harsh as fuck. I've lost 2 inches off my waist while maintaining about the same weight. I've went up in all my lifts and am way leaner than before. I don't have gyno either. My nips were a lil sensitive and that was taken care of by nolvadex. They have always been puffy. There's no doubt I've made progress. I will make sure my bf is in check before next one.

Bearded_muscle's picture

You do look leaner on the right, less belly fat, less man boob (I had them too brah)
These guys are just trying to make sure you don't shoot your organs to shreds before getting to enjoy your fully developed physique. I assume you have a finished goal for what you want? Picture that and grind away naturally for 3-5 years.
How long have you been training consistently (4-5 times a week)?

Hank Hill's picture

For about 7 months... Went through working out with a group. They all died out... Continued by myself for awhile then recently got with some people in a lot better shape with a lot of years experience. Learning a lot. When I get my mind on something I go through with it. I'm doing shit right. Definitely going to take some time off and get bloodwork done before I go again. I learned from my mistakes. I wish I would have been leaner before so I could focus just on growing instead of growing and cutting too

Bearded_muscle's picture

Get some blood work done but push the weights harder than ever. If you were doing it right you never would've touched any PED's, but try to do it right from here on out. Maybe shoot for a 300 lb bench, 400 lb squat and 500 lb deadlift before you run your next cycle. Then you'll really see more out of your gear. Each cycle can take years off your life, and who knows how many we have left so let's make them count.
Get better everyday bro, get after it!

Hank Hill's picture

I appreciate that bro. Im definitely getting it the best I can.

Baerney's picture

Honestly I don't see any progress... You can find some help about diet and trainings on this forum.
Good luck Smile

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TheD's picture

I'm sorry bro more like Bobby Hill every meal should consist of protein and greens fasted cardio in the morning and focus on getting your basic lifts stronger build off of a better foundation. Go to the forums check out some nutrition and training tips that match your goal

frankiejo's picture

this cycle probably set you back. It looks like your developing gyno. You must start with a rather lean body and a goal in place when using aas, to get any benefit. Do what most are saying. Get your diet in check and start a goal oriented program and work that program HARD with plenty of recovery.

NoX's picture

Cycle of what? Looks like you need a bicycle, not a roidcycle. Not a safe space to post 20+% bf and tell us you love AAS.
Train harder and eat like you WANT results.

But don't be discouraged. Stick around and ask for help. We will guide you. Just ask, listen, and do the work.

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stairmaster's picture

Sorry mate but a cycle with this bf is nonsense!
Take care about u'r gyno first! Stay tuned!

MegaTRON13's picture

This is a place with honest people. I literally don't see any change from picture to picture besides one is closer than the other. You NEED to change your diet before even messing with AAS. clean it up or you will get even sloppier... not trying to be a dick, but AAS are not magic, you have to put the work in. There's too many people using them the wrong way...

helloBrooklyn's picture

You weren't ready when you started. I'm sorry. I know you said you can't wait for the next run, but I hope you do wait until you dial in your nutrition and training better. Good luck

RickRock1086's picture

That's some bad gyno there. Can't really tell much/any difference on the transformation to be honest other than puffier left nipple but you'll know better. Give it time & be consistent specially with a clean diet plus cardio if you looking to lose body fat, good luck

Hank Hill's picture

What's garbage my progress?

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