YRB's picture
  • 98

+ 7 Progress just a baby!


Just a little guy don’t kill me Smile

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TSGT911's picture

Looking good, I totally get you! Once 300+ now afraid of carbs.. started on carbs again and my strength exploded. But the weight did come back so now back on the high protein diet. Cut out carbs and sugar, trying to see those abbs again!

Keep up the great work!

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YRB's picture

I just do low fat as 50 or less a day I went no carbs for awhile but my jobs like active I legit feel death without them I will drop like 2-3 lbs a week on 2500 cal it very easy once you get the Marcos and what works for you figured out food wise!

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Stokes500's picture

Keep it up fella , moving on the right direction

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smurfdude1234567's picture

As ya have tons of pec/delt stretch marks bahaha!

You’re growing faster than your skin I’d say you’re making good progress my man!

Nice strong looking base and judging off vascularity your BF is in check.

What’s the current cycle plans? Bulk time?

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YRB's picture

The stretch marks were from being a 300 lb slob I wish I could I say I got them from the gear haha xD cycle 600 test 600-700 mast and I just started throwing that tri blend of test npp and mast p on top real low only 15 a day so far wanna see how npp treats me im tryna bulk up dont seem be too getting too far I’ve been on for awhile i need too probably come off and reset TBH.

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Solid.metal.gear's picture

Nice dude. Get the gains

teamroids's picture

well done bro keep on going!

YRB's picture

Thanks your gear doing me right Smile

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V0411's picture

Get it brother

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Lkl0623's picture

Good job man

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anvil's picture

What you talking about brother, build is looking strong, keep it up and building !

press1's picture

Hey now be careful mate, steady on - I don't want you turning into one of those Dick Riders LMFAO Lol
(ohh and just to be absolutely sure you know I've upvoted you and I WILL be expecting some karma back I'm gonna put +1 too) Huh, yeh, right - like I said, those who know - know huh .....

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anvil's picture

LOL +1

Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Your otw. Eat more if u want to get bigger it's that easy.

YRB's picture

You know I struggle with that man when I know I just need more food my mind won’t let me it’s so fucked!

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Get yourself some mk677 that'll change real quick. There's peptides to increase appetite also. The ghrelin ones. But that's what mk677 does too

YRB's picture

I ran it before I have no problem eating I just stop myself always think about getting fat my job is active so my expenditure is so weird I don’t know where too dial in I have lost weight at 4500 cals a day but also have gained on that expenditure always fluctuating it weird for my too get right without just over eating like a lot of bad food and putting on a shit ton of fat I feel like.

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Well the juice should make it so your body composition stays more towards the more muscle less fat side. I understand genetics play a big factor and that's not something I've had to deal with. I was always strong and muscular and one of the best kids in school at physical activities. Not tooting my own horn just saying it's easy for me to sit here and say eat more you'll be fine. Cuz I've never been through that. I get where you're coming from tho all the way. And honestly i could understand how someone who was heavy and big their whole life might want to take a Lil time and just be fit and i use this word lightly but "normal" where u don't stand out for anything. If you did tho. Want to get bigger and more muscle, you'll figure it eventually just keep tinkering.

YRB's picture

For me too get huge i worked a crazy active job but legit ate the worse of worst foods lol when I look back at I was legit mowing 6-10k cals everyday never trained tho im not shitting you legit black hole for a stomach never full just eat and sleep and work and video games I wish woulda trained probably woulda been a lot of good tissue built not fat.

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press1's picture

At 6" and 210 you ain't little mate!

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YRB's picture

Thanks man I’m too scared to eat food too get bigger almost wasting gear I feel I was once 300 lb if you been there you know!

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press1's picture

You gotta let that past go though mate, I use to be a little skinny fucker all my life up until 34 until I began to take training seriously and also started using gear. I would never let myself get that way again, and neither will you either if this is what you want. You are in a great starting position as you know you can bulk to a big bodyweight if you wanted to, you would have no issues getting to a lean 240 to 250 if you trained and ate properly alongside gear Smile

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Loli "thought" i was big before i went away and i was 200lbs and crazy lean. But i barely did legs and never did deads. Once i went away i stared doing the big 3 all compound shit big weights eating like a horse and came home 258. I was benching 4q5 before i was found 315 3 times i was squatting 585 and dead lifting 625 8 times i could never go over that cuz i tweaked my back doing dead when i was 19 so i just got stronger on 625 dudes were deadliftv 765 in there though. For triples. One guy benched 535. Another squatted 625 all in jail all natural pretty crazy right. Just allot of food creatine and protein powder and some vitamins they had bcaa pills too.

Sithx66's picture

It was the bcaa pills for sure lmao

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Lmao.. the protein Def does allot. I thought it was carbs more and protein was just for healing. For me that's not Tru. I am stronger with higher protein. Idk if it's from taking better. I don't think so though.

Sithx66's picture

I’ve been running high protein low/no carbs. I fell great but holy shit 200+grams of protein a day is adding up. I’ve only been doing ground beef 90/10 and ribeye. Some others cuts here and there. This go around I bought a shitload of chicken breasts to save some money. I hate chicken tho. I’m also gonna drop protein to 130g-150g and up carbs to 150g-200g and see what happens.

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