Vi-King22's picture
  • 26

+ 6 Progress


I threw In a throwback to the very beginning. Already 6’3” in the pic, god only knows what I weigh haha needless to say I didn’t have a girlfriend yet

Me at the tail end of 500 test E/wk, 50mg Anavar/ed, 200 Mast E/wk, 100 Mast Prop/eod. I’m at 6’3” 225 lbs and around 13% still got some ways to go but happy with the summer body.

Ordered from: 
press1's picture

Holy Shit is that you before training??!! What a difference Good

How old were you in the slim picture?

In a promo × 1
Vi-King22's picture

Haha man I was about 14, but already as tall as now at 6’3”. I’m 36 now, it’s been a while since I was THAT thin. I filled out decently around 16 but was never over 200 lbs until after high school.

FJB's picture

Lookin great brother

23Sparta's picture

What most impressive to me is when you guys with those big ass frames start filling them out. Looking good bro

Vi-King22's picture

I just prayed I’d stop growing taller around the age 12 cuz I was already this tall and dreaded the thought of just being tall and lanky, with zero girlfriends

23Sparta's picture

Yeah those 7” kids playing basketball look crazy af

Vi-King22's picture

Yeah that Wemby kid man… I dunno if all the money in the world would satisfy me if I had to look like that and inevitably get hurt A LOT.

23Sparta's picture

Oh, I was talking like kid kids lol

I didn’t even know who Wemby was… he’s a beast out there though

Vi-King22's picture

Haha I’ll post a pic of my fully grown (6’3”) frame that’ll blow your mind, from back in the day. Really Is amazing.

23Sparta's picture

Damn, couldn’t even fit your arm through the neck hole of that white T now

PhillyMelvin_Smelvin's picture

Looking like you’re about ready to fight Rocky! +1

Owes a Review × 1 In a promo × 1
DeeMan's picture

Well yeah he is looking like Ivan Drago

Vi-King22's picture

Welcome any criticism or advice on where to go from here! Just ordered and received more test E, Deca, Mast E, Mast P from 1776, I also have some superdrol, halotestin and cheque drops floating around. Maybe some MENT ace as well. Really wanna get some tren going, maybe…