el super beasto's picture
el super beasto
  • 0

+ 3 posing practice


At one of the gyms practicing...

Ordered from: 
iheartyou's picture

Great pics. You look fantastic ;) +1

inzer777's picture

very impressive back bro. looks like a battle shield

In a promo × 1
RaginCajun84's picture

def lookin el super beasto bro lol good shit, looks like u been killin it.

avocado13's picture

Looking good...I'll give you a +1 but only because you may get mad at my next question....do you have a tramp stamp?

Zeus Juice's picture

so it says Beasto on your back? ^^haha

boots2asses12's picture


snuka2012's picture

LOL...but he looks like he's beastin' it. +1