Phinsfan81's picture
  • 177

+ 6 *** PMROIDS TD ***


I was wanting to try this source for awhile. Hard to turn down a 50% off Promo.

Ultima NPP 150
Ultima Deca 250
Ultima Drostan P 100
Ultima Drostan E 200
Ultima Stan 25
Ultima Aromasin 25
Ultima 1-Test Cyp FREE
Ultima Nolva 20 FREE

Order placed and confirmed within 24 hours.
Received order a few weeks after payment confirmation. Will definitely be ordering again. These 50% off promos are amazing.

Ordered from: 
pmroids's picture

Hi @Phinsfan81

Enjoy your gears! it looks great for work out!

100 PMR Points added to account at the website.


Diesel22's picture

Nice score !!!

Legion of Doom's picture

Beautiful order I sure love the ultima deca.

Diesel77's picture

That NPP and MastP was solid when I had it. Nice order +1

simonmagus84's picture

I have a ton of questions regarding your cycle.

Caner's picture

have fun dude

Jrblh2's picture

Good pick up
I've never used mast yet for some reason
Let us know how the quality is
Also please let us know about any brutal pip if any with the dhb.

simonmagus84's picture

The only reason why I haven’t is because of potential hair loss.

OlympicLats's picture

Yeah I've heard that Mast does cause some shedding. It's an amazing compound....

Phinsfan81's picture

Mast is a very strong androgen and in my experience, androgens accelerate the aging process. Thinning hair is a by product of aging. If you are really prone to MPB you would probably have to stay away or run low with androgens and run more deca and anavar. I would say primo but that was the only drug to eat my hair lol. There is no foolproof way as it truly is different for everyone. Diesel77's response was spot on.

Diesel77's picture

That's if you are already genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness. Much like anything, it's genetics. Hence the reason why certain pro bodybuilders/fitness influencers who blast DHT derivatives esp precontest their entire careers still have head full of hair (jay cutler, mike ohearn, Derek Lunsford, Cbum, hadi choopan, lee priest) I am fortunate to not be affected in the follicles, love mastP and primo, while I know buddies who aren't so lucky and notice thinning after a week of mastp.