Immortaltech's picture
  • 158

+ 11 Pharmacom test prop 100 EOD


This is my lab test for the current cycle @week 8, 100mg of pharmacom test p EOD
Hilmabiocare primobolan 700mg a week
Adex 0.25mg eod

the weird thing is my test is above 6k ng/dl i know E2 is a bit high, i'll increase the dose a little, currently running 0.25mg EOD, i'll increase it to ED and see results, this is the first time i run prop, i really like it way better than enanthate

so the question is why is the test so high???

SHBG is also low but i don't have any problems with libido it's to the roof, I will be running provi 50mg/day starting this week

Batch: test prop PHTE00004PV

hilma primo100: 037962

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Taten's picture

Why are the reference numbers then 150pmol/L?? Assuminh 150 is about ~800 and you have 250 that would mean ur ng/dl would be 1400

Immortaltech's picture

What r u talking about??
Testosterone : 224 nmol thats over 6k ng/dl u r mistaking with estrogen

6455 ng/dl to be exact

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Taten's picture

oh haha. My bad, I even used a converter myself and got 6k ng/dl. However, I missed read the reference numbers. I compared the test to the reference numbers for estrogen. Really really dumb of me.

Immortaltech's picture

Hahaha, its fine bro, mistakes happen bro

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Clayton8902's picture

Maybe you're a super responder? Dfromphilly is sensitive to prop and had very high t levels. Idk man its crazy +1

IrishWOLFhound's picture


Taten's picture

fake primo?

Immortaltech's picture

nope, 100% real, lab tested by me personally

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Taten's picture

What kind of test?

Immortaltech's picture

Hplc test

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JARHEAD2's picture

Thanks for sharing & +2 for the bloods.
Your E2 is a bit high, but I do better when my E2 is running a bit higher. I’d rather see it around 200. That’s just what works for me.... we’re all different. Are you having any negative sides from the E2 being so high?

Immortaltech's picture

Not at all, if my e2 gets below 160 my joints will hurt me a lot, i will keep the dosage as it is, ill be running provi this week so i think it will decrease e2 a little bit, i really dont wanna get t below 160.. my joints will be crying

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GrowMore's picture

Love prop! Makes you feel like a god. Oil volume is what puts me off howver. Thanks for the bloods

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Sam I Am's picture


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bundlz's picture
  • for the bloods p com is good never tried hilma
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Greaki's picture

The proviron is a great choice. I’m sure you will really love it. Will help your SHBG. A great addition to a cycle, all around positives in my book.

Obviously estradiol is high. As you previously stated in other post that you thought it would be. This is good though, you’re dialing in your ai. You now can confirm you will need to up dosage a bit.

As to the testosterone levels being so high.. I’m curious to what others say. Could be you are sensitive to exogenous test. Wish I knew off top of my head for you, I’m sure many guys here will chime in.

I don’t have much experience with primo, but I really want to try it.

You seem like a cool guy, hope cycle is going well for you.

Immortaltech's picture

Thank you bro, yes I will make sure to dial the E2 intime, I have enough proviron to use till the end of my cycle, this is my first run with provi, i wanted to wait till bloodwork and try the provi depending on free test and SHBG, till now cycle is going well, primo is fun I don't notice any side effects at all, except maybe for test suppression nothing else to notice so far

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lookie's picture

How long after last injection did you take your blood test?

Immortaltech's picture

between 15h and 17h

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Makwa's picture

I'm not aware of primo skewing a blood test. That is the 19nors that do that if the incorrect testing methodology is used.

Immortaltech's picture

What do you mean? false reading due to primo? like nandrolone with test?

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Bill G's picture

It would have to be . The prop doesnt build up in your system like the e and c. So what you shoot 3 days ago is gone. Makes me wonder also if it causes the estro to be off like tren. Your estro is super high even with an ai. And your not experiencing any sides. But ive never ran primo so it is hard to say. Sure there will be others that know.