+ 5 OS Gear promo results/review
I was lucky enough to get chosen for a promo for and these are just my progress photos. The promo gear I received and used was Ultima dbol (25 daily till it was gone), anavar (100 daily starting at week 5), and Winn (50 daily) that I used closer to the end when I was shedding the water weight from dbol. I did use 125 test E weekly from another source but have 40+ vials so didn't want to order more.
I had no issues this time around with prolactin or high/low E2 and didn't need any AIs/SERMs. I think it just had something to do with low doses of test and dbol and had bloods done every 4 weeks. Only issue I had was high ldl cholesterol according to bloods but I felt fine throughout the cycle and didn't even need to donate blood like I do every 6-8 weeks during a heavy cycle.
I was able to put on almost 25 lbs in first 8 weeks and then immediately jumped into a cut with extra cardio help coming from the Winn. I've stayed with about 10 lbs of lean body muscle mass (according to dexa scans). I've had a ton of issues with family's and girlfriend's health and this 'small' cycle was probably all I could tolerate mentally at the time. Not bc of the misnomer of any 'roid rage' but it's too stressful to autistically track calories when so many things in family life ware breaking down. I will definitely place another order soon, but for myself I need to first ensure I can have a good 16-20 weeks to be able to reach goals. My next cycle will probably be the same just higher doses and will be adding insulin.
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Great work! You're looking awesome!
Get some bloods going. Bet your livers pissed
I use milk thistle, tudca, and dandelion root to always help my liver when it gets out of whack. Had no issues this time around
Looking good brother, diced to the max. What are your thoughts on the ultima anavar? I've been using it for a little over a week and it's consistent headaches and eye pressure for me. The good news is today I starting getting the extra pump I hear so much about on var.
There's been times in the past where I have increased var to 150 but I was not able to with Ultima var. The eye pressure was too much for me to handle so I can't say scientifically say it's stronger, but it's results are great when diet is dialed in and knowing I can't increase dosage like I can with some other brands is a +1 for mental confidence in a fire product.
Nice job man looking great, osgear is the best.
Great work buddy
That pussy sitting on your face had me cracking up. You'll have to forgive me ima bit of a pervert me thinks. I recently had several loved ones die back to back and some additional family issues, so I'm glad to hear your maintaining self awareness and not getting stupid.
My favorite cycle psychologically and results wise was a simple 7 week cycle of 100mg test prop eod and 100mg daily anavar. No AI. It was literally magic. I've never seen anyone else mention that high dose of anavar. Best compound ever.
You look good homie, keep it up!
Sorry to hear of your loved ones passing, bro. That's the same stuff I went through and not gonna say it ever gets easier especially as we age and it happens more often, but often as men we are just expected to grin and bear it. If things get too real, you can shoot a message and there are a ton of great guys here that have helped me along with how to deal with not just gear but how to handle real world problems that are hitting too close to home.
Crazy how a small cycle can be just the change up we may need to bust through a plateau. It was just nice to do my last blast and not having to take these 3 meds to counteract sides from high doses. Also, I like the higher dose of var.