KonstantViktory's picture
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$350 credit.

Thank you!

Tren is definitely doing its thing. Havet had tren cough in a long time. Love the inclusion of Hex.

Winstrol looks like good milk. Very happy.

Everything else is working well... stay tuned for a review.

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Osgear's picture

Thank you for the TD pic and enjoy the products!

MEXVOL's picture

Love última-pharma ,using mast E ultima with tren hex from other source without couhg

smurfdude1234567's picture

Nolva can be used for the prevention of gyno, but it is not an AI my man- it will keep the nips but does absolutely nothing about the excess estrogen in your body…

Really the same using mast an your only AI is just silly in itself without the mention of

”Potent environmental destroying man made estrogens” lol.

Also just wanted to give you a heads up on knowing that we’re only allowed 8 reviews per rolling year and you’re at (7)

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smurfdude1234567's picture

It sounds like you’re relying on them to control your estrogen which in general is a bad idea.

Good just wanted to remind ya buddy!

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

I love nolvadex and been acutely using clomid. They let you get all the benefits without the negative of estro. My nipples are good. And i get way bigger and stronger than someone on an a. I.
I tried adex and it was a huge mistake. I use caber running 2 19nors tho.

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smurfdude1234567's picture

For the effects, PCT, and gyno 100% that’s stated I love it too. The estrogen is still floating around though… you and him are extreme rare cases if you are perfect on only nolva and “get bigger” than people taking AI’s…

You spit a lot of bro science my man. I’m not here to argue again, but this dude does too… lol.

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

I hear u but i think my pix speak for themselves and i also speak purely from my own experience. Icould care less what bozo influencer sys i don't watch none. When i stared doing this there was only nolvadex. So.
And smurf this is purely educational bro. No hard feeling at all man. Don't take it like that. If someone just agrees with everything u say and they say they're your boy well i would question their Tru intentions cuz they're not being real with u. You know.
Just cuz i don't agree with one thing u say does not mean i have anything negative at all towards u.i don't have energy or time for that at this point in my life.

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smurfdude1234567's picture

Exactly it’s educational…
There’s nothing personal at all my man, but a lot of things you say come from an uneducated standpoint and that’s not an insult at all- it’s just the truth if you read the things you say. I stick to clinical trials and proven outcomes.

Sure you look decent I didn’t say you didn’t, and you can be big with your blood being completely out of wack and dying inside. I err on the side that it’s harmful to post that stuff when you know randoms may come across and try something that 95% won’t work just because an anomaly said it works for them and they love it.

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Mikeyt84L.I..N.Y.'s picture

Yeah u are right. I've read the shit from the national lab that's all ill listen to is their study. And I'll google some things. But for the most part is what works for me. Your right about the blood work but when i went in September everything was good just Lil elevated bp. Kidney liver enzymes high but that was because i got rhabdomyosis in my legs and their was a protein poisoning my body.
This forum is very censored also. Which is nothing wrong if u read the rules and agree to make an account than u accept it. But i do feel I'm err on the more risk not reward side of things and aren't too concerned about health cuz ask the shit I've done and been through in my life i know this ain't nothing compared to that.

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Osgear's picture

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