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organon sustanon two types,Fake?


Received some organon sust from a supplier but received two types. Both have different batch numbers, the ampoule sizes are different and the black writing is more faint on the larger of the two. Are either of thepse fake? Propianate is spelt correctly on both of them.
B Number on left ones 520254xv
right one 460596xv

yodog's picture

Some of the amps do differ in size with hg sust . Have seen this before in my amps gear in side of my amps was gtg. And the amps that where not the same had different bn also. Go back and look at my 50 amp sust pic 8 amps with diff bn where fatter amps. 42 other amps had same bn you have.

johnsbike's picture

they are both good.i'm pinning both right know.and i have more that are differnt still.some with logo some not,the gear inside seems to be the same.and

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