Dont kill my pumps's picture
Dont kill my pumps
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+ 7 New Novotrop blood test results 26/11/2021


Igf and hgh serum analysis
2 IU in the morning and 2 IU in the evening,
Injection of 3 IU ... 2 and a half hours before blood collection
Lot of 600ui
At the moment for the second time I am satisfied ..

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Makwa's picture

Always great HGH. Good

Big Tone36's picture

Karl never disappoints. His gear and GH always good. Thanks for testing +1

dmxinyourface's picture

Seems a great gh and thanks for sharing. Really want to give it a try. Looking for an effective and reliable gh.
Why do you say 600iu is there a promo when you take 5 kits ?
If it's the case then I was on the website and didn't see it.

Dont kill my pumps's picture

I do very long hgh cycles .. to see all the effects of gh you have to keep it for at least 8 months ... Minimum .. if the aim is to reduce lipolysis the effect will already be from the first month ..

dmxinyourface's picture

And you're right that's the way gh works, long term. 2nd time you post good blood work on this one and lots of proof it's good stuff. Hope to try it in the future as well. Will you stay at that dosage for the 8 months ?

Dont kill my pumps's picture

Remember to do the igf / 1 baseline and gh serum

Dont kill my pumps's picture

Yes, all the time .. seven days a week .. I have heard people perform every other day or just one injection a day .. do a search ... Every body is different and responds differently

Sciroxx's picture

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MEXVOL's picture

Nice +1 for bloods,karls hgh always on point in 2016 used somas for pre-contest like pharma grade --