posted Fri, 03/17/2023 - 21:02
+ 7 Nakon Super Primo & TestP
Steroidify delivers once again, USdomestic warehouse. One of the fastest deliveries relating USDom orders. I know few people who used Nakon exclusively during contest prep and nothing but great feedback,(and amazing physiques to show for it) figured I'd give it a whirl and see what its about.
Steroidify....please have PharmaCom labs bring back Primo200 in their inventory lineup. Thank you for another successful delivery!
Ordered from:
- Bookmark
- 7
- 0
Kelly8001Im jealous. If you decide you don't want it let me know Lol. Solid gains right there. Enjoy!
Thanks Kelly, but don't hold your breathe bro cause I absolutely my Primo lol. Steroidify offers great discounts and hard not to take advantage of em every now and again
Byron7776-800mg real primo with 3-4iu growth is God mode. If you really feel like leaving humanity behind throw in anavar 50mg ~
You know the deal Byron. You ain't kiddin, I also like some Halo sprinkled in there toward the end for a few weeks to really harden up and look/feel godly
Nice pickup
Thanks bro, I replied to your TrenHex inquiry btw
Ya I read it thanks put a thumbs up on it
Good info to. I'll be running dhb on my next one with deca so the hex is a bit down the road but a definite
Sweet stack right there.
Absolutely Mac. I like primo at 600week with 150mg/week testp...pharma grade just becomes a ton of oil, but is great and nothing beats a 24 week primo run in terms of overall best feeling cycle. It's a slow start, but once it gets's going lol I have like 55-60 pharma primo ampules I might throw in with these so they stop collecting dust in the safe. Considering upping to 800mg/week primo this run 1 amp mixed with .5cc of these Nakons and see how it goes
You almost have to blend the pharma primo with these newer slicker carrier oils. That castor is just to thick. Does primo lower your estro?
Yes my thinking exactly....pharma primo is so thick standalone and takes a good while to push through a 25g, I've used 2 ml pharma primo along with pharma grade testp ampules 50mg/ml (Farrr-Mak from Ukraine) 3 cc pins M/W/F talk about volume and viscosity lol. It does lower my E2 some, but not as much as MastP surprisingly considering they're both DHTs. Plus I dose my primo much much higher than I ever dose my mast.
What was the TA?
Yessir indeed. 5 days after payment. This source has surprised me with consistently quick deliveries. Makwa did you ever get a chance to run any of the Pcom Primo200 when it used to be available? Amazing quality primo bro, they came in amps and blew my mind lol.
Byron777I used the pharmacom prim 200 back in the day. Never looked better. I always say whatever was in the pharmacom oils 7-8 years ago was liquid gold. Maybe that was my first time using real and properly dosed gear but still haven’t found anything like it.
I never did get a chance to run it. They are not going to make it anymore. Not enough demand for it was the reason they gave me.
Interesting, wished they'd bring it back for sure. I figure if enough of us say something they might consider it...hopefully.
Apparently they have a larger European base than US and for some reason the 200mg primo is not popular there so they are just doing the 100mg since it sells more overthere.