subs33's picture
  • 189

+ 3 My before pic.


Fuk it, its time to get jacked. This is my before pic. I am 2.5 weeks into a sust and deca cycle. Im taking low dose of npp eod and test prop eod for the first month. I am pulsing abombs. The first week of this cycle I got a flu and a fever of 101 and everyone in the house was sick as well. Then the second week I pinned a main nerve in my upper glute and I was out of commission for 5 days. So basicly the past 2.5 week were all for shit. The only gains I made were from the waterwight from the abombs during the first week. I stopped the abombs and lost the water and started up again friday. Im already up 5 lbds of water. I should have taken the before pic while I was not on the abombs, cause the quality of muscle was way more pronounced. Its all good now though cause Im back in action, I feel great and Im ready to start gaining in this cycle. So, watch what diet and exercize and a little juicy juice can do...

PS: This pic was taken 10 mins before bed, so this is cold. Thanks for all the complements. Its giving me the drive to work harder. Right now its the next day lunch time. Im eating 8oz of chicken and rice and beans...

cubannotquban's picture

Little baby muscles. Smile JK

subs33's picture

I havent really gained any weight since I joined eroids. I think my body just recomped. I built up lacking areas of my body. I wiegh 190-195. I wanted to get to 200-205, but im short and im finaly realizing I could look a hell of alot better at 180-185 8% BF.

Looks like you decided on human grade. Smart choice.. Youll be past me in no time...

roidjunky79's picture

I know a lot of guys that go to my gym, complete a 4 to 5 month cycle and dont even come close to how u look now! Good work bro! Stay strong!!

subs33's picture

Ya, alot is genetics. I have been only taking in 2800 calories on a good day and 130 grams of protien. What a joke. I refuse to let this cycle slip by due to poor diet. I have written out a diet that is easy to prepare everyday. I started the diet when I first started the cycle but I got sick. Im back in action and I have 3 lbs of skinlees chicken breast defrosting right now. Im going to grill it all and pack my containers with full meals, like the old days....

Pelon's picture

You mind helping me out. Im having trouble with calories/protein all that. Im the same exact way with 2800 being on a good day.

subs33's picture

I actualy just had dbow write out a diet plan, but he is getting ready for competition so he is focused on his carb intake... I just simply need to eat more. I eat enough to support my self at 190-195 but cant grow any more and adding deca in my cycle aint goin to do shit unless I eat right. So Im taking steps every day to increase calories.

Today at 7am I ate my favorate breakfast. One scoop of whey mixed with about a cup of milk and 1 cup of instent oats. Ya might want to add more milk to make it soupy. Heat it up and add plain corn flakes or cherrioes.. When ya get the cocsitancy down its a perfect easy meal. sometimes i will eat it before the gym. Then eat a bannana or a pre cupped applesause or fruit.

At 9:30 eat the eggs that ya boiled in the morning before you left home. Ya can eat the whites or the whole eggs.. I can eat four whole eggs in one min. Im used to eating and working at the same time. Tomm Ill eat just the whites. Whatever floats your boat. Also eat a piece of fruit.

At 11:00 its lunch time. I have packed with me 8oz of skinlessn chicken breast. I also have instant mac and cheese. Im not worried about fat so adjust diet to what ever your goals are. I dont know if I will eat the whole 8oz but ill eat at least 6oz.

Then around 1:30 Im going to make a 56 gram protien shake with a piece of fruit...

Then I getout of school at 2:30 and head to the gym. I will probably eat the rest of the chicken if I have any left. 3 oz of chicken a bannana and some peanuts or cheese. Today I have peanuts.

Then after the gym, its time for another 56 gram protien shake and some yogurt.

Then its dinner, which my sister makes. Its always a well rounded dinner cause we all have kids.Then I might snack on cereal right before bed or make my favorate breakfast again.

Thats how I ate when I started my cycle 3 weeks ago and I seemed to be putting weight on really quick, but then I got sick and feel off track. Today I started this diet again. Once I adjust to it I may change it around by adding different cuts of beef, like tuna and steak ect...Im already half hour late eating my eggs..gotta go.. Ok im done with the eggs. swolled them in 2 mins. I have know idea what the macros are with that diet but I know its at least enough protien.

Pelon's picture

I dig it man, thx for the input.

subs33's picture

once I adapt to that diet and it becomes a way of life then I will move on to adding more cuts of beef or fish or chicken with rice or sweet patatoe ect. I think when people read how other bodybuilders eat and they try it, thier just setting themselves up for failure. Just take small steps with the diet plan. Stretch the stomach or eat the way you should for whatever your goals are, but dont go at it full throtle. Take steps..

Pelon's picture

This is exactly my problem. I go through spurts. Ill eat eat eat, then notice I look pregnant and slow down to feel right, if I don't slow down I end up throwing up. Man sweet potatoes sounds reeaaalll good right now. I've been trying to get my girl to make me more for months smfh

subs33's picture

just wash the sweet patatoe and poke it several times with a fork. Wrap it with syran wrap or a wet paper towel and thro in the microwave. most microwaves have a setting that say potatoe. Its very easy..

subs33's picture

Believe it or not but I havent gain any weight since I joined eroids. My bodyweight is 190-195....(Today I might have hit 200, I didnt weigh in) However, I did like Arnold said. He said a bodybuilder is like an artist sculpting with clay. Where thier is a weak spot you just add more clay. My weak spots 15 weeks ago were inner and upper chest and traps. My arms were always bigger then everything else. My inner back was also lagging. My bodyfat was at about 18%. This pick clearly shows a little clay has been added to my inner and upper chest. My legs have also grown and inner back from getting my deadlift going up to 315 for reps of 10 and 4 sets. Now my arms look smaller then my other body parts. But that will soon change. I havent isolated my arm workouts in several months.Time to add some more clay to the arms.

Thank for all the positive comments and Im looking for negative comments so I can better myself by fixing it. Thanx Eroids and to all my vet mentors...

Pelon's picture

Rice and beans sounds good. I've eaten a serving of it friday through today lol.


looking good subs man,defo gonna get better quality without the a/bombs,keep grinding away brother Smile

subs33's picture

Ya, abombs = water and superman stregnth and loss off definition. Once you add that with kitchen, and HEAVY lifting, I should be able to build some lean body muscle tissue. Well, thats the plan at least, I never ran anything besides test. Im not running the orals long at all though. Thanx for the post..:)

sc2216's picture

Sorry to hear that your cycle didn't start so well for you but I am convinced that you'll manage to make the best of the remaining time on! By the way, you're looking great on your "before picture", no homo, good luck bro!

subs33's picture

Im using your abombs and dbol as a pulse. I was taking 50mg abombs and 25mg dbol a day for the first week while I was sick and still managed to make it to the gym once or twice and was jacked. Then I stopped for 5 days cause I was laid out from the gym... I have been back on them for only a few days and my body seemed to swell up overnight. I know for a fact its your orals, cause I stopped taking them for about 5 days then started up again and the gains are so fast. Youll wake up and look swole overnight. The orals will keep me busy until the sust and deca fully kik in.

Nitti's picture

You and I are at just about the same weight. I'm proportioned a little differently and i'm a few inches taller but your forearms look huge. I cant seem to get mine proportionate with the rest of my arms. My forearms just look small in comparison to by bi's & tri's. Yours are a nice size. Do you focus on them?

subs33's picture

Naw, they look big cause I have small wrist. My gains are only goin to be lean muscle, so a scale is pointless. I love you avi...

Nitti's picture

That's me with a bad case of Gyno. Lol

subs33's picture

If I had gyno like that I would never need to leave the house...uhmm yummy

Nitti's picture

Lol, thanks man

subs33's picture

Forarms are 14". Biceps are 17.5" but are cut while not flexing so they look 18.5" nothin but tight skin and muscle.

Nitti's picture

I too have small wrists. Part of my problem. Ohh well, I can focus 100% on mass now so I'll get there! Great pic brother, good luck!

subs33's picture

Thanks to all compliments. I threw the scale in the trash cause it dont mean shit. I hadnt weighed my self in about 2 weeks and looked way bigger then I did months ago. My workouts showed nothing but muscle and veins and u could see the stirations in the muscle. I finally weighed myself after I stopped the abombs for 5 days and lost the water. I weighted myself just to get a starting point with this cycle. Friday morning I weighed only 190lbds. Thats my natural bodyweight but my arms are bigger and legs and overall thickness in chest is bigger. My lean body mass must have changed, cause 5'6" 190 did not used to look this jacked.

I started the abombs again a few days before this pic, so I am now 196 lbs. Im just using the abombs as a pulse. They work overnight and are great for squats or deadlift days. I hope to gain at least 7 or 8 lbs of lean body mass not water during this cycle.

dbow's picture

Lookin big man! Thats whats up. +1 I had the same prob with being sick. Which Abombs are you running?

subs33's picture

Im taking androlics. My source fucked my order up and sent me 30 abombs and 11 dbol 50mg. On pulse week I take 50mg abombs and 25mg dbol. They work over night, no bullshiz. This is my second aas cycle. I took one in May 2011 then pcted and found eroids. Then I source hopped taking only moderate dosage of test e , so I can find a good domestic ugl. I found a good src and started a real cycle 2.5 weeks ago. Now I feel good and Im ready to get jacked like you. Maybe you can give me some diet tips ..peace

dbow's picture

Like me? Man your already there! Thx for the reply. Friend request sent!

subs33's picture

Ya, are just like my boy Carl... Ill catchup especially if I eat like ya told me...

Bigdawg201067's picture

awesome, keep up the hard work bro, looking jacked

jpal's picture

nice work bro looking good

Nitti's picture

Lookin good man! Good luck with your goals

carnealsr's picture

You look solid bro