italian92101's picture
  • 242

+ 5 Merional best pct drug today


Testing waters and very surprised, directly from the pharmacy testicular axis here I come:), also got a say still finishing nordis 45 iu and man, now I understand why all my buddy's told me to switch to pharma, getting scarry ripped....

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lundgren's picture

You have the best of the best to your PCT ! Surely more expensive vs the other compound, HCG, clomid ect ... but this product are to me really the best, especially after a cycle with large doses of testosterone and very suppressive products as nandrolone or trenbolone.
I used the version of 75 Ui's with the protocol of 3 x per week and i used this single and one time with HCG ( with some anti-estrogen, but with only Menotropin normally you dont need to use it.
Good luck for your pct, i choose hghpharma to my next order of Primobolan and some insulin to run with my HGH.

geoff26's picture

I took my first jab of the same brand of hmg you got, within the first 5 mins I kinda started to feel hot and a little dizzy. let us know if that happens to you bro

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italian92101's picture

Might of got hot flashes, like women in menopause..

Pale's picture

Keep us posted how it goes bro. +++

BeastMode5085's picture

is that Hmg? how are you running it?

italian92101's picture

75 iu eod for 5 weeks, got a lot more in stock....

SexWeightsProteinShakes's picture

You do this in addition to normal pct? I am going to pick up some hmg from hgh pharma as well.

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italian92101's picture

And a light dose of aromasin...

HailRazor's picture
