Gorillafit's picture
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Mega Pins


New Mega pins for Gorilla Gear's new ARL 100ml Jugs! LOL ;-P

justaguy's picture

Coukd just get an IV bag, pin your quad, strap it on your waist and set a drip. Talk about keeping levels steady...

Gorillafit's picture

Bro, you are a bad influence! LOL ;-P I was gonna pin 6ml tonight cause the new eod fell on the e3d day. But I saved 3ml for tomorrow, its the same shit just different ester to jump start it, so now I get to pin again tomorrow. The HGH shots get lonely ed. LOL

Bennyblanco's picture

Fck me u shoot 12ml at a time? Fckin ridiculous... Ridiculously awesome!!! lol deadly mofo

Bennyblanco's picture

How many different spots u use to shoot 12 ml at once?

druski's picture

What the hell are those for, enemas??? jk pat ;-)

Owes a Review × 1
Gorillafit's picture

I'm tired of the everyday injections. I just pin a whole cycle at once now. LOL ;-P

Bennyblanco's picture

Liquid oral Sus etc??? I didnt think it was even possible to make stuff like that as an oral...

Gorillafit's picture

I don't think it is Liquid Oral. I asked the GGuys for clarification.

Bennyblanco's picture

Ye cool.

This is a question I asked ARL...

What is the biggest multi-vial u have? 60ml? How much does it cost and
do all injectables come in this size?

And this was the answer...

To find out the cost of a 100ml multiply a 10ml product by 8.5
Example Test propionate 10ml = 17USD , Test prop 100ml = 17x8.5= 144.50USD..

So Im like 99% sure the 100ml is injectable, which makes me smile Smile

Gorillafit's picture

Yeah the GGuys responded IM all the way.

Bennyblanco's picture


Maxx's picture

You don’t pin it. You Chug it.

Bennyblanco's picture


USPostal's picture

100mL Jugs? Holy shit!!!

Gorillafit's picture

That's what my nephew said, that's a couple cyles worth and they'd start to leak being poked 50-100 times with a 20 gauge pin.

carpejohn's picture

Yeah, you would almost want get some 20ml viles and store the 100 jug!

Gorillafit's picture

I been thinking about it. At first it seems like a lot, but at 3ml/e3d with a 10ml front load and that baby is gone in a cycle. LOL ;-P

carpejohn's picture

Yeah what I meant was by separating the jug with smaller viles will keep the rubber stopper from becoming a fish net.

Gorillafit's picture

I know Bro, I was fuckin around. I don't need to run 100ml per cycle yet.

Bennyblanco's picture

Ye unless u are a total beginner you will use half a 100ml jog or more easily on a longer cycle even without any crazy amount of ml being used... So it will be gone in 2 cycles (for test etc) and on the second cycle u might even need to order another one at the end of the cycle... Im gonna start buying those from now on after I finish this cycle, might as well and save 15%...