Gym and Bikes_bro's picture
Gym and Bikes_bro
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+ 1 Looks like I found a sweet spot - Bloodwork at the end of a cycle


133nmol/l translates to 3835.986 ng/dl

Bloods taken last day of a 16 week cycle, running 500mg of test with 3x 0.5mg of Anastrozole / week showing normal ranges of prolactin, Estrogen, Cortisol and pretty much everything else except LH, FSH and testosterone obviously. I find this satisfying result, considering the fact that I've ran harsh compounds like tren and Dbol for a few weeks in this cycle.

Now its time to lower the dose to my usual doctor prescribed dose of 175mg/week and give my body time to heal.

My only long-time concern is to remain fertile, even though I have some of my swimmers frozen already. So the question for those, who are proven fertile whilist on TRT, do you guys kickstart with HCG or use other methods to increase your FH and LSH? My doctor wants me to run Clomiphene(Clomid) Alongside with TRT, which I tried with mixed results. Any recommendations welcome.

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press1's picture

Looks like you may have to do a blood donation if those numbers (haemoglobin/hematokrit/RBC) don't come down a bit during TRT.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Yes, that was the plan, even though these are not crazy high, its probably like 0.5 - 5% above the so called "healthy range".... But yeah, I do donations anyway, so I'll solve this whilist saving someones life at the same time hopefuly. My blood is a gold mate, not only its a unusual blood type, but it also contains all the "vitamins" needed for recovery.... Just imagine, being in a car accident, needing an infusion, receiving infusion of my blood, immediately gets and errection and muscle pump.... B-)

press1's picture

LMFAO!!! I always use to joke about some poor bugger getting some of our blood with all the trenbolone and Dbol in it - they would probably have a mental breakdown lol I think they skim it or whatever its called to get things like that out don't they? Although I have heard you are supposed to declare if you use steroids or not on the form but I doubt anyone does.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

We don't do that in our profession / place. We only have to be tested for veneral diseases, but other than that no-one asks. There is not enough blood, so I think it could be a big problem for medical system, to exclude even more potentional donors.

press1's picture

I think its time for some recent dog pictures mate Good

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

Where do you want me to post it? Smile

Badgoat1's picture

Being on TRT you're still gonna be shut down. When I knocked up my ex gf 6 years ago I had to come completely off I came off in Feb. Did 3 shots of triptorelin over I believe 2 weeks. Waited a week then did another 6 week pct of 100mg clomid/50 Nolvadex for 4 weeks then another 2 weeks at 50mg/25.
Got pregnant the first week of May. Results may vary based on your individual body chemistry.

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Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

very motivational my friend, I'm happy for your success there! How long have you been runing TRT at that time?

Big Tone36's picture

There are protocols of steroid users and pro bodybuilders who use HCG and HMG and clomid. I think this may involve coming off testosterone completely temporary. Dave Palumbo has a protocol that he and several guys used I don't know the dosages or durations but the info is probably on here too.
Here's a video about it

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

yes, Palumbo have some good points in that video, thank you buddy!

Gym and Bikes_bro's picture

It does, to a point. It increased my LH and FSH slightly, just enough to produce about 1M healthy swimmers after about a month of continouus usage, whilist still on TRT. Probably not enough for a natural concieve, but enough for an insemination.