qq4PRT2xN's picture
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Lixus Test Prop g2g?


Received some vials of test prop today from AS. One of the vials looks different than the others though (It has no hologram, is thinner and filled higher, it has an expiration date, flip tops are different). AS gets great reviews and I am assuming they are both g2g, but just wanted to get some confirmation from members with experience w/ lixus test p. Thanks.

Best Steroids's picture

One is old stock and the other is new. Yes the old stock used to have separate round holograms stuck on but before that they didn't have any. Some lids are plain blue and some say flip top. The new ones coming out will say "Lixus" on them. I'm a Lixus seller and one thing you'll find with Lixus products is that packaging, labels, colours, vial sizes, box sizes, lids, etc can vary considerably even within the same product. I've got some bottles with the labels stuck on upside down lol, but they're all good to go. I'm not saying there aren't any fakes around but if they both came from the same source and the source is reputable you shouldn't have a problem.

Commdiver25's picture

idk bro, the lixus products that i have all have the hologram and are filled the same hieght as ur vial w the hologram. the other is filled way to high and the blue color in the labeling is way to dark.

Animalchin's picture

Ive just checked it says they are not, but they get a lot of good reviews.

qq4PRT2xN's picture

yes, www.anabolicsupplements.org.uk is verified using their email address [email protected]. i had heard that some earlier batches did not have holograms, but this is still unconfirmed. i will email the seller and see what they have to say I guess.

dstrange45's picture

vial on left looks slightly slimmer may be the reason for the higher fill mark. as for label looks the same just different font size "smaller" prolly just human error by whoever printed them. not sure about the batch number probably same fucktard that changed the font forgot to add that too. LOL i'm sure its gtg man

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