Wakem's picture
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+ 4 Labs weeks after pct


16 weeks after a 16 week long cycle of test cyp and anadrol. Pretty disappointed with my recovery.
Swole products.
600mg test cyp
50mg anadrol for the first 3 weeks.
My pct was standard clomid and Nolvadex .

Ordered from: 
woody51's picture

how long was your pct?

MegaT883's picture

At what dose? How soon after last pin did you start pct?

MegaT883's picture

What did you take that crashed your prolactin and do you know what your E2 levels are? What is your previous cycle history? Do you know what your T and E2 levels were before you even started this cycle? At what time was this blood test taken???The point I'm making is how do you know you levels were not already low normal before you even started this cycle.

flacidego's picture

Yes, do a PCT with pharma nolva and clomid. Were your PCT meds research chems or from a UGL? I won't lecture you about cycling before age 25. I'll leave that for someone else.

woody51's picture

how are you feeling right now?

flacidego's picture

Swole has a good rep. Doubt he'd have bunk pct. Either way, I'd still get pharma PCT to be absolutely sure. How many cycles have you run before this one and how was your recovery after PCT?

crazymofo's picture

What were your pre cycle lab numbers?

+1 for bloods.