DBG's picture
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+ 2 Just what the Dr. ordered :)


Felt like saying that since this Test Comp from Unigen Life Sciences is the real deal...authenticity checked out, those mofos from Hong Kong don't mess around. From here on out I know what 'pharma' gear to order thanks to a recommendation from MD. That seems to be a touchy situation for me...procuring the 'pharma' test and such...never had really good luck lol...till now!

And I can never get enough prop...I like sampling labs all the time, and MD also mentioned the potency of Puro test prop was pretty damn good. I tossed on another vial of primo(once again)...this time Pharmacom...needed just a few more pins for the last week...I hate when that happens, my dumbass miscalculating mg's lol

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Pmob's picture

Nice ! +3

In a promo × 1
DBG's picture

Thanks man Smile

Rasputin_Omega's picture

Nice. How are you liking the run on primo?

Owes a Review × 1
DBG's picture

Eh...interesting stuff...not sure if its worth the money IMO, but I am def enjoying it. Def very vascular and it has had a pronounced effect on muscle group definition. I feel like the primo exploded my delts and arms for sure....they look huge and cut up lol

Rasputin_Omega's picture

Better than Mast for the $$$ or about the same?

Owes a Review × 1
DBG's picture

Never ran Mast, so couldn't tell ya. But I feel that npp or tren cuts me about the same as primo does