hunteron20s's picture
  • 0

-3 I'll keep the pic up but I'm good with ya now we have a understanding.

Ordered from: 
RickRock1086's picture

Well well, as usual, I'm late to the show dammed...

GrowMore's picture

And I stuck up for you..

Quit the insults, talking to members with a little respect goes a long way.

Owes a Review × 1
RangerVet's picture

Your a fucking assclown. And your body looks like shit tough guy. Grow up

twistedsister's picture

Now tell us what you really think haha you got me laughing over here...dudes either young or immature but if he sticks around or comes back he can learn a thing or two on here starting with humility and respect those are invaluable to say the least.

RangerVet's picture

I read all his comments and thought he must be 18 or living in mom's basement. He is disrespectful to all of you. His arm shot was probably his best shot which is sad and I bet his legs and everything looks awful and if he runs gear he should do himself a favor and quit now. He is that guy at the gym, that no one wants to be.

RangerVet's picture

Your a fucking assclown. And your body looks like shit tough guy. Grow up

trenning's picture

A physique easily attained without gear. Food needs to be your best friend!

Pale's picture

We don't play stupid drama like this around here. Stay gone for a few days and think about whether you are adult enough for this place, because right now I don't believe you are.

TrenAllDay's picture


190 is technically not as big as 224

PPGfreak's picture

I have to say living the life that I have, between the way I grew up and then the Marine Corps I've spent most of my life around what you would call "tough guys" or hard motherfuckers or what other term people prefer to use. I'm confident in saying that everyone of my close friends is a killer. That being said, I only know of two kinds of tough guys to exist. One kind is actually tough.... then there is the other kind... The guy that runs his mouth or what you would call a Internet tough guy. I've yet to meet anyone that is actually both.

If you really are a massive bad ass guy/dangerous person, then sent him a private message and discuss where he lives and then fly out and deal with him. I'm not here to get involved or start issues. But when someone is doing nothing but name-calling and acting tough on the Internet, it makes all the real man reading it, laugh and then lose respect for the person. I would suggest you just delete the picture and then handle this problem like a real man would which would be face-to-face.

twistedsister's picture

This guy is the latter typical internet bad ass ... he was wrong about bloods and advice he gave I corrected him respectfully then he sits there and blows my email up with comment notifications then I had to prove him wrong in a not so nice way.
So far he's called out rusty, me , and now Rick this dude is your typical internet know it all wannabe
Also much respect to you I got a bunch of friends that served working on the rigs with me and the days of fuck fight trip pipe may be gone because people are sue happy but it's not for the weak of heart or pussys that's why alot of marines are out their working their ass off with me

RangerVet's picture

Your dad isnt the problem. We would all like him. We just don't like you!

twistedsister's picture

Then heed your own advice and dont talk shit
Simple fact is you thought you could call me out and i proved that i knew wtf i was talking was correct now your butt hurt ive set up a safe space forum if you need a hug and some mydol.
Im the third member youve called out you might want to rethink that...

You were wrong the guys
1 free test was high for trt
2 the free test scale was different than your
3 you were talking out your ass
Like i said if your going to call me out and be a punk about it you better damn well be right

twistedsister's picture

Your fckin nutz +1 full head of hair not pulled out now y'all kiss and make up... and remember free test bloods are not always the same scale.

twistedsister's picture

Haha I half expected him to be in planet fitness for the pic but hey he has made progress.

twistedsister's picture

Changing that to -1 cause your still a dumb bitch
When you learn to admit your wrong and let some of that air out your head you will be better off I have no patience for your stupid ass agree on that

twistedsister's picture

Nothing's going to ride you showed your true colors on here

twistedsister's picture

I'm down in Odessa from time to time only thing in Texas is steers and queers and I don't see no horns on you :0

RangerVet's picture

This comment isn't true also. Fyi

twistedsister's picture

That was a joke smh i dont think your as old as you say you are at this point... that ban tag suits you.

RangerVet's picture

Wow well I did real missions for a living. I think the movie you were in was tranny midgets love sissy boys

twistedsister's picture

He just likes to argue three days I been seeing his bull shit pop up..