ANABOHOLIC's picture
  • 51

+ 8 Igf-1 and hgh test results (24hr reup black tops)


24 offered "free" black tops for testing. It took me a bit but here you go....A little over 4iu a day split. 10 iu in the delt 3 1/2 hours before blood draw. I was not on any other compounds at the time of testing. Sorry no baseline.

Ordered from: 
24hreup's picture

Thank you for posting mate much appreciated !

ANABOHOLIC's picture

My pleasure 24 , thank you for the service.Those blacks are nice. I am on my last kit now. Do have an analysis on the blue tops?

24hreup's picture

Yes We do but its an old one

Bill1976's picture

Thanks. Always like hgh bloods.

In a promo × 1
ANABOHOLIC's picture

Thank you!

RSN34's picture

Nice number. Thank for sharing +

ANABOHOLIC's picture

Thank you brother!

jp82088's picture

Nice!! I just ran these (couldn't get labs) but I deff could tell they were of high quality. +1 for labs

ANABOHOLIC's picture

Ya they were legit for sure. Just so you know you can't actually +1 unless you have 50+ karma but i damn sure appreciate the gesture brother!!

fusebox's picture

+2 for bloods

ANABOHOLIC's picture

Thanks Mate!

ECinfidel's picture

Nice numbers. +1 for testing/sharing

ANABOHOLIC's picture

Thanks for the 1up brother...

Bearded_muscle's picture

Damn good numbers bro, plus two from the Beard

ANABOHOLIC's picture

Thank you brother!! I was not surprised by the numbers at all . I had all the sides you would expect from quality gh. The CTS really only hit me in the middle of the night while I was sleeping . That shit woke me up , I guess it might have been a natty pulse??